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Jupiter in Taurus~Earthly Abundance~Double Happiness

Jupiter enters Taurus starting 5/16/2023 – 5/25/2024. Jupiter will station to retrograde at 15 Taurus on September 4, 2023, and go station to direct on December 30, 2023.

The planet Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system and is considered to be the great benefactor offering abundance and growth. Jupiter enjoys providing lucky opportunities when well placed in a natal chart or making auspicious aspects by transit. Every twelve years you experience a Jupiter return; this is when the planet returns to the exact degree of Jupiter in your birth chart. I have provided at the end of this page a list of dates when Jupiter was in Taurus so that you can check to see if you are lucky enough to be having your Jupiter return!

On May 16, 2023, Jupiter will move into earthy and pleasure-seeking Taurus until May 25, 2024. Taurus is ruled by the goddess of love and beauty. Taurus is associated with materialism, wealth, sensual pleasures, and the desire for comfort and stability. When Jupiter transits the zodiac sign of Taurus we know that the transit will focus on the acquisition and expansion of wealth and resources, an interest in financial stability, and expanding career opportunities. Taurus a fixed earth sign is known to be resistant to change, inflexible, and very stubborn. Taurus also can be overindulgent, lazy, and materialistic. This transit works best when we enjoy simple pleasures, are grounded and practical about material concerns, and find a balance between work and pleasure. 

While Jupiter is in Taurus it is a good time to invest in increasing your financial stability and security sensibly and conservatively. This is an excellent time to invest in yourself. Take a business or economics class. Start a savings account, create a business plan, and plan for your financial future. This transit succeeds with hard work and moderation. Avoid “get-rich schemes” and too-good-to-be-true business offers. 

Jupiter’s shift into Taurus will bring good fortune for Earth signs ( Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) and Water signs ( Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)!  

Here is a list of dates when Jupiter was in Taurus. Do you have Jupiter in Taurus? 

  • April 29, 1952–May 9, 1953
  • April 13, 1964–April 22, 1965
  • March 27, 1976–August 23, 1976
  • October 17, 1976–April 3, 1977
  • March 9, 1988–July 21, 1988
  • December 1, 1988–March 19, 1989
  • June 29, 1999–October 23, 1999
  • February 15, 2000–June 30, 2000
  • June 5, 2011–June 11, 2012


“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.”

~ Marcus Aurelius 


The May 5- 6 2023 Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 14’58 Scorpio 

This is the second eclipse of the year. 

Visible in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Antarctica.

What happens during a penumbral eclipse: 

The Moon will darken but not completely disappear as she travels through the Earth’s shadow. The Moon will pass into the outer part of the Earth’s shadow (called the penumbra) and the Moon will just miss the darker, inner part of the Earth’s shadow (called the umbr). According to time and date website this eclipse will be the deepest penumbral eclipse until September 2042! 

Eclipses are tracked, each eclipse belongs to a Saros cycle. A Saros period is almost 19 years ( 18 years and 9 to 11 days depending on leap years) after which the Sun, Moon, and Earth return to approximately the same position causing a nearly identical eclipse. 

Eclipses are significant when they take place at a degree that is exact or near to a planet or on angles in your Natal chart or progressed chart (consult your Astrologer). When eclipse degrees are activated in your chart the effects can last from six months to a year depending on the strength and duration of the eclipse. Eclipses are closely associated with world events. To know if this eclipse will be significant for you check your chart for planets in fixed signs  (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) and check what houses the Sun Taurus and Moon Scorpio are in. People born with fixed planets or fixed angles at 10 to 20 degrees will be significantly affected by this eclipse. 

Lunar eclipses help ‘illuminate” issues that are hidden beneath the surface. The chart for this eclipse finds a strong preponderance of Taurus, a feminine earth sign that seeks tangible security and comfort from the material world. Taurus rules possessions, personal wealth and values. The Sun, Uranus, the retrograde Mercury are all in Taurus opposite the Moon in Scorpio. Scorpio is a fixed water sign deeply intuitive and complex. Scorpio rules shared resources and seeks transformational experiences. Scorpio is drawn to understanding the deeper meaning of emotions, intimacy, and is not afraid to dive into “taboo” subjects or disrupt the status quo. 

If your Natal, Solar or progressed chart is affected by this eclipse you could experience some lessons around the Taurus/ Scorpio hot topics. Because the Mercury is retrograde this is a good time to re-examine your relationship to money, possessions, self-worth.

If you are having anxieties around financial issues this is a good time to investigate how to budget, invest and explore your financial options for the future. Remember the Mercury is still retrograde, so wait until Mercury goes direct to make any changes. It is also an excellent time to review interpersonal relationships and re-examine shared resources and intimacy issues. 

The 2023 Spring Mercury Retrograde in Taurus April 21 to May 14

When Mercury goes retrograde, we often experience difficulties, delays, and frustrations with travel, communication, and technology. By knowing when Mercury goes retrograde, we can save ourselves a lot of headaches. We can prepare to meet the coming challenges. 

Spend the retrograde reevaluating, reviewing, and completing projects. Ideally, Mercury retrograde is a fertile time to work with creative and spiritual energies. When we go with the flow of the retrograde things tend to go better. It is helpful to know the sign that Mercury is in while retrograde. The sign tells us “the mood” and behavior the retrograde period will exhibit.

Try to take preventive measures at least three weeks before Mercury goes retrograde. For example: take your car or computer for repairs or upkeep 3 weeks before the retrograde starts. Please wait until Mercury has gone direct for three weeks before starting any new projects. 

When Mercury retrograde transits connect to your Natal, Solar, or Progressed charts Mercury issues; particularly, communications issues can become very challenging. 

To learn more about the Mercury Retrograde cycle please see the blog post: “Understanding Mercury and the Mercury Retrograde Cycle”

Astrologically the Earth element is practical, all the earth signs Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are comfortable with details, routines, structures, and societal rules. 

This Mercury Retrograde will spend the whole cycle in Taurus. Taurus is a fixed earth sign she is slow, cautious, and stubborn.

During this Mercury retrograde take time to re-evaluate how attached you are to your daily routines and habits. Are these routines and structures serving your best interest or are they holding you back? Taurus is ruled by Venus and is associated with material possessions and finances. During this Mercury retrograde review your financial situation and prioritize your security needs. This would be a good time to find ways to manage your money better, investigate how you can create a budget, and save or invest your money. 

The Retrograde Cycle 

The pre-shadow: starts April 7 Mercury at 5’50” Taurus

Mercury Stations to Retrograde: starts April 21 at 15”37’ Taurus 

The Sun/Mercury Cazimi:

On May 1,  the  Sun and Mercury will make a conjunction. When Mercury and the Sun conjunct a Cazimi occurs. A Cazimi is when a planet is within 1 degree of the Sun ( or 17 arc minutes).  Astrologer, Olivia Barclay states in her book, Horary Astrology Rediscovered “, any planet at the very heart of the Sun, within 17 minutes of its center, is called Cazimi and is considered most fortunate. (p.86)

Cazimi is an ancient Arabic term, (translated means heart of the Sun) for when a planet is within 17 mins arc of the Sun. Cazimi is considered to be a form of “accidental dignity”, fortified by the Sun’s rays, a very auspicious and lucky time. 

A Cazimi Mercury has been called the “mark of genius” strengthening the abilities to communicate, gain insights, and to have the ability to see “into the heart of situations and circumstances”. 

Mercury Stations to Direct: May 14 at 5’50’ Taurus 

Post Shadow ends: May 31 Mercury Taurus at 15’50

Remember the Do and Do NOT Do List for Mercury Retrograde

  • Do check and recheck travel plans, schedules, and appointments
  • Do review, re-do, review, tie up loose ends, repair
  • Do fix what was broken during the last retrograde
  • Do double-check written documents or calculations 
  • DO NOT SIGN CONTRACTS, DO NOT buy big-ticket items, electronics, cars
  • Do not start a new project, take a new job, or avoid doing anything last minute 
  • If you must make a purchase, send important packages, or travel purchase insurance
  • Plan ahead, give yourself extra time to arrive at your destination or finish projects 


                                        Use the present well

“Time passes unhindered. When we make mistakes, we cannot turn the clock back and try again. All we can do is use the present well.”  His Holiness Dalai Lama

The Hybrid Solar Eclipse April 19

The Hybrid Solar Eclipse 

Several major events will be occurring on April 19/20 and the day after. 

We close out the lunar cycle with a second New Moon in Aries and it will take place in the last degrees of Aries, and it is also a hybrid solar eclipse.

 The last degree of a sign is considered to be fateful and critical. The Anaretic degree is associated with the completion of karma; indicating that events have reached a breaking point; “it is what it is” and nothing more can be done. 

The New Moon is also a hybrid Solar Eclipse. A Solar Eclipse happens when the Moon’s shadow crosses the Earth’s surface. This happens during a New Moon and the Sun and the Moon are astrologically in the same sign. The first eclipse of 2023 is a Hybrid Solar Eclipse, this is a combination of all three types of solar eclipses. A Hybrid Eclipse starts as an annular eclipse and transitions to a total eclipse, then end as an annular. A hybrid Solar Eclipse happens once per decade! ( see www.timeanddate.com What is a Hybrid Solar Eclipse?)                                      

Eclipses are tracked, each eclipse belongs to a Saros cycle. A Saros period is almost 19 years ( 18 years and 9 to 11 days depending on leap years) after which the Sun, Moon, and Earth return to approximately the same position causing a nearly identical eclipse. 

Continue reading “The Hybrid Solar Eclipse April 19 “

Mercury slows down ~ the pre-shadow begins

Get Ready for the 2023 Spring Mercury Retrograde
Tomorrow April 7, 2023, Mercury in Taurus will start to slow down. This is called the pre-shadow of the Retrograde process.
Understanding the Retrograde Process:
pre-Shadow: Mercury has started to slow down moving less than 40 mins of arc per day. We start to feel the energy shift.
Retrograde: Mercury appears to be moving backward.
Direct: Mercury starts to move forward gaining speed and retracing his steps.
Post Shadow: Mercury has reached the degree that it went retrograde. Now is the time to initiate new projects or make changes.
The pre-shadow: starts April 7 Mercury at 5’50” Taurus
Mercury Stations to Retrograde: starts April 21 at 15”37’ Taurus

Understanding Mercury and the Mercury Retrograde Cycle

The Planet Mercury 

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Mercury is never more than thirty degrees away from the Sun. It takes Mercury 88 days to circle the Sun. In our chart, the planet Mercury represents our communication style, perceptions, thoughts, ideas, reasoning, and logic. Mercury is also important in the use of technology,(phones, computers, mechanical instruments, and the internet). Mercury influences transportation and travel plans. Mercury is associated with commerce and trade. 

Mercury is exalted in Aquarius, rules in Gemini and Virgo, and has challenges when placed in Sagittarius and Pisces. 

If Mercury is behind the Sun in your chart your communication style is more cautious and reflective. ( hindsight)

If your Mercury is ahead of the Sun in your chart your communication style is more pragmatic and objective. ( foresight)

There are three types of solar conjunctions; cazimi, combust, and under the Sun’s beams. If your Mercury is conjunct with the Sun (under the Sun’s beams 8’ – ’17 degrees) one’s solar identity and one’s ideas are merged and the conjunction is considered mildly debilitated. The individual can be very creative but can lack perspective. 

If the Mercury is 8 degrees or closer to the Sun, then the Mercury is said to be “combust” and afflicted. A combust planet is considered weak because like the mythical Icarus the planet is flying too close to the Sun and gets “burnt”. 

Cazimi occurs when a planet is within 1 degree of the Sun ( or 17 arc minutes).  Astrologer, Olivia Barclay states in her book, Horary Astrology Rediscovered “Any planet at the very heart of the Sun, within 17 minutes of its center, is called Cazimi and is considered most fortunate. (p.86)

Cazimi is an ancient Arabic term, (translated means heart of the Sun) for when a planet is within 17 mins arc of the Sun. Cazimi is considered to be a form of “accidental dignity”, fortified by the Sun’s rays, a very auspicious and lucky time. 

A Cazimi Mercury has been called the “mark of genius” strengthening the abilities to communicate, gain insights, and to have the ability to see “into the heart of situations and circumstances”. 

 “It is a wise person who rules the stars, a fool who is ruled by them.”

Retrogrades Motions:

A retrograde occurs only from the Earth’s viewpoint. (Geocentric) A retrograde happens when a faster-moving planet catches up and passes a slower-moving planet during its orbit around the Sun. When a planet is retrograde a new synodic cycle begins. ( the conjunction of two planets thus starting a new cycle) 

During retrograde motion, the Earth and the retrograde planet are closest in their orbit, (on the same side of the Sun) and the retrograde planet appears to be larger in the sky. ( except for Mercury and Venus) 

The Mercury Retrograde Cycle:

Most of the time when we see Mercury it is moving in the same direction as the Sun. But, when Mercury is closest to the Earth it “appears” to reverse its direction for about three weeks. Mercury goes retrograde three sometimes four times a year. 

The Pre-Retrograde Shadow:

Prior to going retrograde Mercury’s speed starts to slow down and we start to notice frustrations with communication, travel, and technology. We can use this “pre-retrograde” time to get ready and prepare. Be sensible and take initiative to get ahead of possible mercury retrograde problems. Take your car to get looked at or get an oil change, check your tires, back up your computer, update your computer’s security and virus protection, and replace your smoke alarm batteries. 


 Mercury slows to a halt and officially goes “station to retrograde”. This is when we experience significant frustrations regarding communication, commerce, travel, and technology. We can expect miscommunications, travel delays or the need to cancel and reschedule plans and technology can break down. As Mercury “retraces his steps” we can see what needs to be revised, reorganized, and restructured. Mercury retrograde can reveal flaws in our plans and in our thinking process. We can be overwhelmed with blockages and beset with unforeseen obstacles, We may have to make changes, adjust our schedules, and repeat steps. It can be difficult to express ourselves clearly, or we misread what others are saying to us. Situations that begin under Mercury Retrograde often reappear or resolve themselves under a future Mercury Retrograde!

Mercury retrograde supports introspection, and re-evaluation, and can increase intuition and psychic awareness. Intuition works better than logic during this time. Trust your instincts, be guided by your dreams, and explore your creativity when Mercury is retrograde.

Remember to Slow down, take your time, and double-check your work, pay attention to details. Mercury retrograde works best when focused on reorganizing, reviewing, redoing, and finishing projects. 

When Mercury goes Direct 

Once Mercury has gone “station to direct” we can slowly feel the retrograde release its gripe as the gears begin to move forward. During the post-Mercury retrograde period, as Mercury gains speed, situations start to “correct” themselves. At this time, we can begin to problem solve and work on the issues that the Mercury retrograde broke. 

Working with Mercury Retrograde 

We can transform our experience with Mercury Retrograde and use the “backward” motion to our benefit. Knowledge is power. When Mercury goes retrograde, we can avoid unnecessary difficulties by following some sensible guidelines and consciously working with retrograde energy. 

1. Use the three-week window prior to Mercury going retrograde (called the shadow period) to get prepared. For example: 

  • Back up your computer, tablet, and cell phone. 
  • Do car maintenance.
  • If possible, avoid purchasing big-ticket items that cannot be returned. 
  • Avoid making agreements or signing contracts.
  • Do not start new projects 

2. Know what sign Mercury will be retrograde in. The sign that Mercury is transiting while retrograde will tell you what specific difficulties you might encounter. For example, if Mercury was retrograde in sensitive and emotionally watery Cancer the retrograde would highlight issues around home life, domesticity, communications with family members, family resources, and emotional security issues. This placement can bring to the surface emotions that have been dwelling deep in the subconscious, and uncomfortable and unresolved emotions can rise to the surface. Communication can be filled with micro-aggressions. People tend to be more hypersensitive at this time and emotional misunderstandings can be difficult to resolve. Mercury retrograde in Cancer can tap into memories of unresolved emotional conflicts, and people and situations from your past can come into focus. This is a time when you can use your natural psychic abilities to further emotional growth. People can feel moody and have the urge to “nest” during this transit. Mercury retrograde in Cancer is a good time to do renovations, complete household repairs, work on a family scape book, or investigate your family’s genealogy. 

3. Know what house the Mercury retrograde is traveling in. For example, if Mercury retrograde is moving through your 6th house prepare to experience challenges at work or with your co-workers. If it is traveling through your third house pay extra attention to how you are driving, and be careful when speaking it is easier to be misunderstood at this time. 

4. In general the best use of your energy during the Mercury retrograde is to slow down, pay attention to your surroundings, take the scenic route, and be mindful that you might run into delays, and it’s okay. Give yourself extra time to get where you are going, and be patient with yourself and others. Be prepared to possibly experience communication difficulties, misunderstandings, or delays at work or when traveling. Practice patience, and be cautious. Review your work, recheck your schedule, double-check your calendar, and take the extra step to make sure things are done correctly. 

5. Take time to relax, try to meditate, walk, and take a nap. Step out of your normal routine. The Mercury retrograde can be an excellent time to reflect, daydream, and imagine. Get in touch with your inner creative energies. Be open to psychic information. 

6. Traditional astrology advises that during the Mercury retrograde, it is unwise to enter into contractual agreements. Often contracts signed when Mercury is retrograde are flawed or the agreement will need to be revised or the legal matter drags on and on. DO NOT BUY BIG TICKET ITEMS like cars or computers. DO NOT BEGIN NEW PROJECTS!

7. The best use of our time and energy during a Mercury retrograde is to “retrace our steps”, circle back and review, re-examine, and revise if necessary. 

Pluto in Aquarius

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised 

Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23, 2023, retrograding back to Capricorn on June 11, 2023, and then reenters Aquarius on January 20, 2024, staying in Aquarius for 20 years, until January 19, 2044!

In 2006, International Astronomical Union (IUA) demoted the ninth planet from the Sun. Pluto now is classified as a Dwarf planet. Planets are defined as celestial objects large enough to have been made rounded by their gravitational orbit and their orbital dominance clears the space surrounding the planet’s orbit. Pluto is not large enough to exert its orbital dominance and is one of five dwarf planets in our Solar System. It takes Pluto 248 years to complete one full cycle around the Sun

For the purpose of astrology, Pluto is very much considered a planet and can exert a powerful influence in our collective experience and is often a profound teacher in natal and progressed charts. 

Pluto provides transformational experiences at the deepest levels of consciousness. Intense, and destructive, Pluto destroys outdated decayed, and corrupted governments, institutions, and relationships, and as a Phoenix rises from the ashes to be reborn. 

Pluto offers opportunities for growth through brutal honesty, reaching inside our psyche and shedding light on our inner demons, exposing our weaknesses, and uncovering our strengths. Pluto cleanses and eliminates allowing renewal, and new beginnings.  

The negative aspects of Pluto often play out in the collective as power struggles, the rise of tyrannical and authoritarian governments, wars, pandemics, and the fall of long-standing empires. 

The last time that Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1778 to 1798. When we want to see how an outer planet such as Pluto will manifest when it enters a new sign, we look to see what happened the last time the planet transited in that sign. A quick look at The Timetables of History from 1777 to 1798 chronicles several events that would change the destiny of humanity. Both the American and French revolutions would inspire other countries to break free from monarchies. Serfdom is abolished in Bohemia, Hungary, Denmark, Russia, and France abolished slavery. In Western Europe and in The Americas enlightened thinkers, Quakers, and evangelical religious groups begin an abolition movement to try and dismantle slavery. The zeitgeist of this time period clearly favored the overthrow of monarchies and expanding the dignity of humans. This twenty-year period also saw the invention of the hot air balloon, steam engines, cotton gin, and the smallpox vaccine. 

A little about Aquarius ~ The Water Bearer – Sharing Life Force 

The constellation for Aquarius is represented by the Babylonian myth of the Water Bearer dipping her vase of water into the Nile River causing the river to flood, announcing the beginning of Spring, a celebration of growth and renewal for the Babylonians. Without water there can be no life on earth; “water is life”. Water is vital for all living beings, it is a simple molecule and its unique properties support all animals and plants. The Water Bearer archetype suggests that Aquarians share with humanity life-giving powers. 

Aquarians are a force for change. They are inquisitive and intellectual but often stubborn and fixed in their opinions, naturally, inventive they need constant mental stimulation or they become directionless and unmotivated. Aquarians have the urge to reinvent, innovate, revolutionize, modernize, reform, and challenge outdated social mores and restrictions. Aquarius represents humanism and is considered the Visionary of the Zodiac. 

Revolution in the Air – The End of Empires and Imperialism 

We know that Pluto influences the collective unconscious and has the power to transform global politics and economics. With Pluto moving from the hierarchical focus of Capricorn to the egalitarian aspirations of Aquarius geopolitical events will move from supporting traditional bureaucratic institutions to focusing on creating major reforms of social structures using political activism to achieve an expansion of public rights, with emphasis on equalitarianism and humanitarianism. 

When Aquarian energy is positively expressed there is an interest in adopting new innovations and modernization using science, technologies, and progressive ideas that reshape and restructure society. When Aquarian energy is “out of phase” it can have destructive repercussions. Rebellious social and political movements based on exclusionary groups associations ( us vs them thinking) can create social upheavals, violently overthrow governments, or cause catastrophic events to achieve radical change. 

With Pluto in Aquarius, we should expect to see communities, governments, and global institutions finally addressing and begin adapting to the climate change crisis. Climate change will radically alter society. There will be a push towards modernizing infrastructures using the latest technological advancements to help mitigate the damage of climate change. There will be an acceleration of scientific knowledge and improvements in computer, space technology, medicine, and architecture. Pluto’s influence on banking and financial structures suggests that this Pluto transit will see new monetary systems developed, the expansion of digital currency, and the elimination of cash. Will capitalism continue to dominate the world markets?  

A reshaping of politics for some countries will mean an acceptance of progressive ideals while other countries with more “tribalism” will move toward the social control offered by authoritarianism. If governments and global organizations continue to not meet commitments to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, we could see the radicalization of groups and organizations engaging in protesting and a shift towards using violence to force governmental action. 

People Power

We should see more interest in lifestyle changes that empower individualism. We should see people demanding more equality. Growth in associations and groups that emphasize cooperating on shared ideals and agitating for social changes. More people advocating for society to be more tolerant and accepting of unique individualism. A breakdown of traditional gender roles and a rejection of gender stereotypes, more understanding of the fluidity of gender, a rise in feminism, and more female leaders. We should see a more communal living, non-monogamist relationships, and more focus on valuing friendships and networking socially and politically. 

Pluto Aquarius should bring workers together and we should see a profound shift in the way we work. Expect to see workers demanding stronger Unions, better pay, and better working conditions. Also, innovative and experimental work cooperatives and more worker-owned businesses. Working from home will become the norm. Workers will have to compete with AI technology. 

All types of Organizations, Unions, and Nonprofits, and their leadership will undergo transformations. Some groups and associations will implode due to corruption while others will reinvent themselves. 

The big picture during Pluto’s transit through Aquarius will be about whether humanity can cooperate, create and implement solutions that will save humanity from what now looks like an inevitable climate crisis that could have catastrophic results for all of humanity and future generations. To avert the crisis, we will have to eliminate “borders” culturally, physically, mentally, and socially, there must be worldwide cooperation to find solutions. In order to survive Humanity must reinvent itself. 

Fellow Travelers in Resistance 

Pluto in Aquarius starting March 2023 Uranus in Taurus until April 2026

Unconventional Uranus with the more conventional Saturn are co-rulers of the sign Aquarius. The cosmic rebel Uranus entered earthy and sensible Taurus on May 15, 2018, and will remain through April 27, 2026, (it will briefly enter Gemini from July 1 to November 2025). We last saw Uranus in Taurus between 1934 to 1941 when the world had to deal with the fallout of the Great Depression and the horrors of the Second World War. 

Currently, Uranus in Taurus is disrupting value systems, impacting financial markets, and causing inflation, also we are seeing a shift from more traditional monetary systems to alternatives like Bitcoin, and environmental investing (ESG), and there is a demand from the public for sustainable products. 

Uranus in Taurus started in 2018 when Pluto was in Capricorn, a fellow earth sign, the two outer planets have similar interests and goals, both push the collective unconscious to address the physicality of being a spirit in a human body. 

Starting in 2023 Pluto will enter Aquarius a fixed air sign and Uranus will still be in Taurus also a fixed sign. Fixed signs are strong and steady but resist change.

Additionally, the late degrees of Taurus will have Uranus transiting into the Pleiades (the late degrees of Taurus are called the “Weeping Sisters” ) expect increased resistance to change and at the same time extreme climate catastrophic events that shake the foundation of the world. 

Winds of Change: Uranus in Gemini & Pluto in Aquarius 2025 to 2033 

Uranus spends 7 years in a sign and takes 84 years to complete its cycle around the sun. The last time we saw Uranus in Gemini was in 1941-1949 the Second World War ended and the Cold War began. Uranus in Gemini usually heralds new methods of communication, transportation, educational reforms, and the expansion of social networks. 

With Uranus moving into Gemini a mutable air sign and heading to a trine (the late 2020s – 2030) with Pluto in Aquarius the collective unconscious will be ready to embrace new ideas, and new technologies, and society will undergo radical changes. Saturn enters Gemini in 2031 -32 and the ideas of Uranus in Gemini and the vision of Pluto in Aquarius will take root and find worldwide adoption. 

Will we see the Age of Aquarius or The New Dark Ages? 

Pluto entering Aquarius will provoke a power struggle between the powerless proletariat and the established aristocracy/ oligarchy. Aquarius represents humanity, the Waterbearer is a forward thinker, a rational idealist that embraces science, knowledge, and innovation and seeks to reform society. Reforms often take place through painful revolutions. The first three years of Pluto transiting Aquarius while Uranus is transiting in Taurus will be difficult. There will be resistance to change. Pluto in Aquarius will confront the power structures using innovative ideas and concepts. Aquarius will fight to dismantle unjust social hierarchies and systematic abuses in fundamental institutions. There will be pushback, and revolutionizing society can gets ugly and violent. climate change disasters will start to escalate and people will start to panic. ~ Don’t Panic ~

When Uranus enters Gemini there will be a shift and people will be more open to new ideas about the Aquarian themes of freedom, equality, and social reform. Uranus and Pluto traveling in two of the most creative signs of the zodiac should bring about scientific breakthroughs that hopefully will help us cope with humanity’s most difficult problems. 

Whatever Pluto in Aquarius brings to humanity in the next 20 years it will be revolutionary. 

The revolution will not be televised

Will not be televised

Will not be televised

Will not be televised

The revolution will be no re-run, brothers

The revolution will be live

~ Gil Scott Heron 1971


Grun, Bernard, The Timetables of History, A Horizontal Linkage of People and Events, 3rd ed. NY: Simon & Schuster/Touchstone,1975, 360- 372 

Saying Good Bye to Pluto in Capricorn

A word about saying goodbye to Pluto in Capricorn

Pluto in Capricorn ( from 2009- to 3/23/2023) has been busy rigging the system, consolidating and concentrating its power through fundamental bureaucracies that support patriarchal capitalism. Pluto in Capricorn oversaw the 2009 Wall Street Bail Out due to the 2008 Wall Street Crash. In 2008, Wall Street power players in finance, earning millions, had set in motion a stock market crash that wiped out more than $2 trillion of Americans’ retirement savings. As the stock market crashed foreclosures and unemployment rose America faced the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of 1929. 

Subprime mortgage lenders like Countrywide and Lehman Brothers caused the 2008 Wall Street crash. They sold millions of mortgages to homebuyers with poor credit and offered them “special rates” pushing unqualified people to buy homes they could not afford. Then they packaged the mortgages and passed on the toxic debt by the billions in the form of bonds. This irresponsibility happened when Pluto was in Sagittarius but reigning in and stabilizing the economy happened when Pluto entered practical Capricorn. The economy did not recover until 2013. 

The American taxpayer bailed out Wall Street to the tune of $29 trillion. No major Wall Street executive went to jail for destroying the economy. Banks and other financial institutions including the very banks that caused the crash received bailout loans. The bailout loans were granted at interest rates far below the market rate. Meanwhile, an estimated 10 million Americans lost their homes to the Wall Street subprime crash. 

So, Pluto in reckless and opportunistic Sagittarius let real estate companies and bankers hype subprime mortgages to unsuspecting homeowners and crashed Wall Street. Then Pluto in Capricorn had to put the economy back together and chose to feed trillions of taxpayer dollars to the very institutions that had caused the crisis. The bail-out allowed Wall Street to walk away with the minor sting of having to pay some fines, a few modest and watered-down financial regulations were instituted and no one of any importance went to jail. 

Continue reading “Saying Good Bye to Pluto in Capricorn “

Saturn enters Pisces ~ Dreaming Awake

March 7, 2023, to May 24, 2025

September 1, 2025, to February 13, 2026

Whenever Saturn moves into a new sign we know that it’s time for that zodiac sign to face the cosmic music and prepare to face challenges that will require self-discipline, accountability, and hard work in order to mature around the themes that relate to the zodiac sign that Saturn is moving through. 

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, is a mutable water sign, feminine, and is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions. Pisces is co-ruled by benevolent Jupiter and the ocean god Neptune. Pisces is a very complex sign, highly intuitive, and emotionally focused. Pisces can find it difficult to translate emotions into words and often chooses artistic pursuits as a way to communicate. Highly impressionable Pisces can feel overwhelmed by their psychic abilities that can pick up others’ emotions, traumas, and sadness. They can be secretive, feel misunderstood, lack confidence and direction, have poor boundaries, and can be crippled by self-doubt.

They often struggle with phobias, and fears, may avoid facing reality, and use drugs and alcohol as an escape. Pisces can struggle with the duality of its nature, loving and compassionate but trapped by their emotions they need to find grounding through purpose and service to something greater than themselves. 

Saturn in Pisces wants to provide tools, structure, and grounding to help Pisces placements to manifest their highest purpose. Be prepared during Saturn’s transit through Pisces to receive a strong dose of realism. IT IS TIME TO FACE ISSUES AND DO THE WORK! If you have been running from or hiding from emotional or mental issues now is the time to ask for help, go to therapy, and create a self-care routine. Be brave this is the time to embrace emotional growth and bloom into spiritual awakening. 

Saturn in Pisces favors introspection, spiritual engagement, healing, and letting go of situations and people that are unhealthy for you. This transit can provide an opportunity to forgive and be forgiven and find closure around a personal or family trauma or suppressed experience. Find meaning and purpose through service. 


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The Art of Palmistry

Cheiro comes from the Greek word Kheir, and from the Latin chiro meaning hand.

Cheironomy is the analysis of a person’s character by examining the shape of their hand.

Chiromancy is the ability to interpret the meaning of the lines on a person’s palm.

Palmistry has been practiced in many different cultures. Palmistry has strong roots in Eurasia documents regarding the practice of palmistry have been found in India, China, and Tibet.

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