
Is A Revolution in Motion Now that Pluto has Moved into Aquarius?

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Is A Revolution in Motion Now that Pluto has Moved into Aquarius?

Pluto in Aquarius ~ A Preview
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
On January 20, 2024, Pluto re-entered the zodiac sign of Aquarius. It will be a brief stay, on September 1st Pluto backtracks into Capricorn for one final hurrah. Then on November 19 Pluto will be staying in Aquarius for 20 years, until January 19, 2044!
In 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IUA) demoted the ninth planet from the Sun. Pluto now is classified as a Dwarf planet. Planets are defined as celestial objects large enough to have been made rounded by their gravitational orbit and their orbital dominance clears the space surrounding the planet’s orbit. Pluto is not large enough to exert its orbital dominance and is one of five dwarf planets in our Solar System. It takes Pluto 248 years to complete one full cycle around the Sun.
For the purpose of astrology, Pluto is very much considered a planet and can exert a powerful influence in our collective experience and is often a profound teacher in natal and progressed charts. Pluto provides transformational experiences at the deepest levels of consciousness. Intense, and destructive, Pluto destroys outdated, decayed, and corrupted governments, institutions, and relationships, and as a Phoenix rises from the ashes to be reborn. Pluto offers opportunities for growth through brutal honesty, reaching inside our psyche and shedding light on our inner demons, exposing our weaknesses, and uncovering our strengths. Pluto cleanses and eliminates allowing renewal, and new beginnings.
The negative aspects of Pluto often play out in the collective as power struggles, the rise of tyrannical and authoritarian governments, wars, pandemics, and the fall of long-standing empires.
The last time that Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1778 to 1798. When we want to see how an outer planet such as Pluto will manifest when it enters a new sign, we look to see what happened the last time the planet transited in that zodiac sign. A quick look at The Timetables of History from 1777 to 1798 chronicles several events that would change the destiny of humanity. Both the American and French revolutions would inspire other countries to break free from monarchies. Serfdom was abolished in Bohemia, Hungary, and Denmark. Whereas, Russia and France abolished slavery. In Western Europe and The Americas, enlightened thinkers; Quakers, and evangelical religious groups began an abolition movement to try and dismantle slavery. The zeitgeist of this time period clearly favored the overthrow of monarchies and expanding the dignity of humans. This twenty-year period also saw the invention of the hot air balloon, steam engines, cotton gin, and the smallpox vaccine.  

A little about Aquarius ~ The Water Bearer – Sharing Life Force
The constellation Aquarius is represented by the Babylonian myth of the Water Bearer dipping her vase of water into the Nile river causing the river to flood, announcing the beginning of Spring, a celebration of growth and renewal for the Babylonians. Without water there can be no life on earth; “water is life”. Water is vital for all living beings, it is a simple molecule and its unique properties support all animals and plants. The Water Bearer archetype suggests that Aquarians share with humanity life-giving powers.
Aquarians are a force for change. They are inquisitive and intellectual but often stubborn and fixed in their opinions, naturally, inventive they need constant mental stimulation or they become directionless and unmotivated. Aquarians have the urge to reinvent, innovate, revolutionize, modernize, reform, and challenge outdated social mores and restrictions. Aquarius represents humanism and is considered the Visionary of the Zodiac.
Revolution in the Air – The End of Empires and Imperialism
We know that Pluto influences the collective unconscious and has the power to transform global politics and economics. With Pluto moving from the hierarchical focus of Capricorn to the egalitarian aspirations of Aquarius geopolitical events will move from supporting traditional bureaucratic institutions to focusing on creating major reforms of social structures using political activism to achieve an expansion of public rights, with emphasis on equalitarianism and humanitarianism.
When Aquarian energy is positively expressed there is an interest in adopting new innovations and modernization using science, technologies, and progressive ideas that reshape and restructure society. When Aquarian energy is “out of phase” it can have destructive repercussions. Rebellious social and political movements based on exclusionary group associations ( us vs them thinking) can create social upheavals, violently overthrow governments, or cause catastrophic events to achieve radical change.
With Pluto in Aquarius, we should expect to see communities, governments, and global institutions finally addressing and adapting to the climate change crisis. Climate change will radically alter society. There will be a push towards modernizing infrastructures using the latest technological advancements to help mitigate the damage of climate change. There will be an acceleration of scientific knowledge and improvements in computer, space technology, medicine, and architecture. Pluto’s influence on banking and financial structures suggests that this Pluto transit will see new monetary systems developed, the expansion of digital currency, and the elimination of cash. Will capitalism continue to dominate the world markets?
A reshaping of politics for some countries will mean an acceptance of progressive ideals while other countries with more “tribalism” will move toward the social control offered by authoritarianism. If governments and global organizations continue to not meet commitments to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, we could see the radicalization of groups and organizations engaging in protesting and a shift towards using violence to force governmental action.
People Power
We should see more interest in lifestyle changes that empower individualism. We should see people demanding more equality. Growth in associations and groups that emphasize cooperating on shared ideals and agitating for social changes. More people advocating for society to be more tolerant and accepting of unique individualism. A breakdown of traditional gender roles and a rejection of gender stereotypes, more understanding of gender fluidity, a rise in feminism, and more female leaders. We should see more communal living, non-monogamist relationships, and more focus on valuing friendships and networking socially and politically.
Pluto Aquarius should bring workers together and we should see a profound shift in the way we work. Expect to see workers demanding stronger Unions, better pay, and better working conditions. Workers will demand a more balanced work/home lifestyle. Also, innovative and experimental work cooperatives and more worker-owned businesses. Working from home will become the norm. Concepts like UBI will be embraced to cope with fewer workers needed due to AI
The big picture during Pluto’s transit through Aquarius will be about whether humanity can cooperate, create, and implement solutions that will save humanity from what now looks like an inevitable climate crisis that will have catastrophic results for all of humanity and future generations. To avert the crisis, we will have to eliminate “borders” culturally, physically, mentally, and socially, there must be worldwide cooperation to find solutions. To survive Humanity must reinvent itself.
Fellow Travelers in Resistance
Pluto in Aquarius starts in full swing in November 2024 and Uranus will stay in Taurus until April 2026.
Unconventional Uranus with the more conventional Saturn are co-rulers of the sign Aquarius. The cosmic rebel Uranus entered earthy and sensible Taurus on May 15, 2018, and will remain through April 27, 2026, (it will briefly enter Gemini from July 1 to November 2025). We last saw Uranus in Taurus between 1934 to 1941 when the world had to deal with the fallout of the Great Depression and the horrors of the Second World War.
Currently, Uranus in Taurus is disrupting value systems, impacting financial markets, and causing (greedflation) inflation, also we are seeing a shift from more traditional monetary systems to alternatives like Bitcoin, and environmental investing (ESG), and there is a demand from the public for sustainable products.
Uranus in Taurus started in 2018 when Pluto was in Capricorn, a fellow earth sign, the two outer planets have similar interests and goals, both push the collective unconscious to address the physicality of being a spirit in a human body.
Starting in 2023 Pluto will enter Aquarius a fixed air sign and Uranus will still be in Taurus also a fixed sign. Fixed signs are strong and steady but resist change. Additionally, the late degrees of Taurus will have Uranus transiting into the Pleiades (the late degrees of Taurus are called the “Weeping Sisters” ) expect increased resistance to change and at the same time extreme climate catastrophic events that shake the foundation of the world.
Winds of Change: Uranus in Gemini & Pluto in Aquarius 2025 to 2033
Uranus spends 7 years in a sign and takes 84 years to complete its cycle around the sun. The last time we saw Uranus in Gemini was in 1941-1949 the Second World War ended and the Cold War began. Uranus in Gemini usually heralds new methods of communication, transportation, educational reforms, and the expansion of social networks.
With Uranus moving into Gemini a mutable air sign and heading to a trine (the late 2020s – 2030) with Pluto in Aquarius the collective unconscious will be ready to embrace new ideas, and new technologies, and society will undergo radical changes. Saturn enters Gemini in 2031 -32 and the ideas of Uranus in Gemini and the vision of Pluto in Aquarius will take root and find worldwide adoption.
Will we see the Age of Aquarius or The New Dark Ages?
Pluto entering Aquarius will provoke a power struggle between the powerless proletariat and the established aristocracy/ oligarchy. Aquarius represents humanity, and the Waterbearer is a forward thinker, a rational idealist who embraces science, knowledge, and innovation and seeks to reform society. Reforms often take place through painful revolutions. The first three years of Pluto transiting Aquarius while Uranus is transiting in Taurus will be difficult. There will be resistance to change. Pluto in Aquarius will confront the power structures using innovative ideas and concepts. Aquarius will fight to dismantle unjust social hierarchies and systematic abuses in fundamental institutions. There will be pushback. Revolutionizing society can get ugly and violent. Climate change disasters will start to escalate and people will start to panic. ~ Don’t Panic ~
When Uranus enters Gemini there will be a shift and people will be more open to new ideas about the Aquarian themes of freedom, equality, and social reform. Uranus and Pluto traveling in two of the most creative signs of the zodiac should bring about scientific breakthroughs that hopefully will help us cope with humanity’s most difficult problems.
Whatever Pluto in Aquarius brings to humanity in the next 20 years it will be revolutionary.
The revolution will not be televised
Will not be televised
Will not be televised
Will not be televised
The revolution will be no re-run, brothers
The revolution will be live
~ Gil Scott Heron 1971
Grun, Bernard, The Timetables of History, A Horizontal Linkage of People and Events, 3rd ed. NY: Simon & Schuster/Touchstone,1975, 360- 372