
Understanding Mercury and the Mercury Retrograde Cycle

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Understanding Mercury and the Mercury Retrograde Cycle

The Planet Mercury 

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Mercury is never more than thirty degrees away from the Sun. It takes Mercury 88 days to circle the Sun. In our chart, the planet Mercury represents our communication style, perceptions, thoughts, ideas, reasoning, and logic. Mercury is also important in the use of technology,(phones, computers, mechanical instruments, and the internet). Mercury influences transportation and travel plans. Mercury is associated with commerce and trade. 

Mercury is exalted in Aquarius, rules in Gemini and Virgo, and has challenges when placed in Sagittarius and Pisces. 

If Mercury is behind the Sun in your chart your communication style is more cautious and reflective. ( hindsight)

If your Mercury is ahead of the Sun in your chart your communication style is more pragmatic and objective. ( foresight)

There are three types of solar conjunctions; cazimi, combust, and under the Sun’s beams. If your Mercury is conjunct with the Sun (under the Sun’s beams 8’ – ’17 degrees) one’s solar identity and one’s ideas are merged and the conjunction is considered mildly debilitated. The individual can be very creative but can lack perspective. 

If the Mercury is 8 degrees or closer to the Sun, then the Mercury is said to be “combust” and afflicted. A combust planet is considered weak because like the mythical Icarus the planet is flying too close to the Sun and gets “burnt”. 

Cazimi occurs when a planet is within 1 degree of the Sun ( or 17 arc minutes).  Astrologer, Olivia Barclay states in her book, Horary Astrology Rediscovered “Any planet at the very heart of the Sun, within 17 minutes of its center, is called Cazimi and is considered most fortunate. (p.86)

Cazimi is an ancient Arabic term, (translated means heart of the Sun) for when a planet is within 17 mins arc of the Sun. Cazimi is considered to be a form of “accidental dignity”, fortified by the Sun’s rays, a very auspicious and lucky time. 

A Cazimi Mercury has been called the “mark of genius” strengthening the abilities to communicate, gain insights, and to have the ability to see “into the heart of situations and circumstances”. 

 “It is a wise person who rules the stars, a fool who is ruled by them.”

Retrogrades Motions:

A retrograde occurs only from the Earth’s viewpoint. (Geocentric) A retrograde happens when a faster-moving planet catches up and passes a slower-moving planet during its orbit around the Sun. When a planet is retrograde a new synodic cycle begins. ( the conjunction of two planets thus starting a new cycle) 

During retrograde motion, the Earth and the retrograde planet are closest in their orbit, (on the same side of the Sun) and the retrograde planet appears to be larger in the sky. ( except for Mercury and Venus) 

The Mercury Retrograde Cycle:

Most of the time when we see Mercury it is moving in the same direction as the Sun. But, when Mercury is closest to the Earth it “appears” to reverse its direction for about three weeks. Mercury goes retrograde three sometimes four times a year. 

The Pre-Retrograde Shadow:

Prior to going retrograde Mercury’s speed starts to slow down and we start to notice frustrations with communication, travel, and technology. We can use this “pre-retrograde” time to get ready and prepare. Be sensible and take initiative to get ahead of possible mercury retrograde problems. Take your car to get looked at or get an oil change, check your tires, back up your computer, update your computer’s security and virus protection, and replace your smoke alarm batteries. 


 Mercury slows to a halt and officially goes “station to retrograde”. This is when we experience significant frustrations regarding communication, commerce, travel, and technology. We can expect miscommunications, travel delays or the need to cancel and reschedule plans and technology can break down. As Mercury “retraces his steps” we can see what needs to be revised, reorganized, and restructured. Mercury retrograde can reveal flaws in our plans and in our thinking process. We can be overwhelmed with blockages and beset with unforeseen obstacles, We may have to make changes, adjust our schedules, and repeat steps. It can be difficult to express ourselves clearly, or we misread what others are saying to us. Situations that begin under Mercury Retrograde often reappear or resolve themselves under a future Mercury Retrograde!

Mercury retrograde supports introspection, and re-evaluation, and can increase intuition and psychic awareness. Intuition works better than logic during this time. Trust your instincts, be guided by your dreams, and explore your creativity when Mercury is retrograde.

Remember to Slow down, take your time, and double-check your work, pay attention to details. Mercury retrograde works best when focused on reorganizing, reviewing, redoing, and finishing projects. 

When Mercury goes Direct 

Once Mercury has gone “station to direct” we can slowly feel the retrograde release its gripe as the gears begin to move forward. During the post-Mercury retrograde period, as Mercury gains speed, situations start to “correct” themselves. At this time, we can begin to problem solve and work on the issues that the Mercury retrograde broke. 

Working with Mercury Retrograde 

We can transform our experience with Mercury Retrograde and use the “backward” motion to our benefit. Knowledge is power. When Mercury goes retrograde, we can avoid unnecessary difficulties by following some sensible guidelines and consciously working with retrograde energy. 

1. Use the three-week window prior to Mercury going retrograde (called the shadow period) to get prepared. For example: 

  • Back up your computer, tablet, and cell phone. 
  • Do car maintenance.
  • If possible, avoid purchasing big-ticket items that cannot be returned. 
  • Avoid making agreements or signing contracts.
  • Do not start new projects 

2. Know what sign Mercury will be retrograde in. The sign that Mercury is transiting while retrograde will tell you what specific difficulties you might encounter. For example, if Mercury was retrograde in sensitive and emotionally watery Cancer the retrograde would highlight issues around home life, domesticity, communications with family members, family resources, and emotional security issues. This placement can bring to the surface emotions that have been dwelling deep in the subconscious, and uncomfortable and unresolved emotions can rise to the surface. Communication can be filled with micro-aggressions. People tend to be more hypersensitive at this time and emotional misunderstandings can be difficult to resolve. Mercury retrograde in Cancer can tap into memories of unresolved emotional conflicts, and people and situations from your past can come into focus. This is a time when you can use your natural psychic abilities to further emotional growth. People can feel moody and have the urge to “nest” during this transit. Mercury retrograde in Cancer is a good time to do renovations, complete household repairs, work on a family scape book, or investigate your family’s genealogy. 

3. Know what house the Mercury retrograde is traveling in. For example, if Mercury retrograde is moving through your 6th house prepare to experience challenges at work or with your co-workers. If it is traveling through your third house pay extra attention to how you are driving, and be careful when speaking it is easier to be misunderstood at this time. 

4. In general the best use of your energy during the Mercury retrograde is to slow down, pay attention to your surroundings, take the scenic route, and be mindful that you might run into delays, and it’s okay. Give yourself extra time to get where you are going, and be patient with yourself and others. Be prepared to possibly experience communication difficulties, misunderstandings, or delays at work or when traveling. Practice patience, and be cautious. Review your work, recheck your schedule, double-check your calendar, and take the extra step to make sure things are done correctly. 

5. Take time to relax, try to meditate, walk, and take a nap. Step out of your normal routine. The Mercury retrograde can be an excellent time to reflect, daydream, and imagine. Get in touch with your inner creative energies. Be open to psychic information. 

6. Traditional astrology advises that during the Mercury retrograde, it is unwise to enter into contractual agreements. Often contracts signed when Mercury is retrograde are flawed or the agreement will need to be revised or the legal matter drags on and on. DO NOT BUY BIG TICKET ITEMS like cars or computers. DO NOT BEGIN NEW PROJECTS!

7. The best use of our time and energy during a Mercury retrograde is to “retrace our steps”, circle back and review, re-examine, and revise if necessary.