
The Last Eclipse of 2023 ~ October 28 Partial Lunar Eclipse @ 5′ Taurus / Scorpio

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The Last Eclipse of 2023 ~ October 28 Partial Lunar Eclipse @ 5′ Taurus / Scorpio

October 28, 2023, Partial Lunar Eclipse @ 5 Taurus/ Scorpio  (ET 4:24 pm/ PT 1:24 pm)

People Most Affected by this Eclipse: 

0 to 10 degrees of all fixed signs and the very last degrees of Cardinal signs 

Lunar Message: Clean your house physically, financially, metaphorically, and emotionally 

Fun Fact: This Lunar Eclipse Saros Cycle is #146 and the last time it happened was on October 17, 2005. 

There are two types of eclipses involving our Sun and Moon. A Solar Eclipse happens when the Moon’s shadow crosses the Earth’s surface. This occurs during a New Moon and the Sun and the Moon are astrologically in the same sign. ( October 14 was this type) The Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow, this happens during a Full Moon.

Eclipses are particularly important when they take place at a degree that is exact or near to a planet or on angles in your Natal, Solar, or Progressed chart (consult your Astrologer). When eclipse degrees are activated in your chart the effects last from six months to a year depending on the strength and duration of the eclipse.

October’s second eclipse will occur this Saturday at 1:24 p.m. PT.  This will be a partial eclipse that happens when the Moon comes between the Sun & Earth, but only partially covers the Sun. The Moon casts the outer part of its shadow on the Earth. It will look like the Moon has taken a bite out of the Sun. This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will take place @ 5’ of Taurus/ Scorpio. According to the website Time and Date  (Partial Lunar Eclipse on October 28–29, 2023 – Where and When to See ) this eclipse will be visible in Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, North America, much of South America, the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic, and Antarctica.

The Sun will be in Scorpio opposite the Moon in Taurus. Scorpio is a fixed water sign that often experiences challenges surrounding how they cope with and manage deeply intense feelings and primal intuition. When Scorpio feels comfortable “in their skin” they can listen to their intuition and trust the knowledge they receive. A healthy Scorpio has developed emotional mastery has learned who to trust and has the courage to share intimacy and honesty with partners and confidants. Scorpio rules shared resources and seeks transformational experiences.  A healthy Scorpio is drawn to understanding the deeper meaning of emotions, and intimacy, and is not afraid to dive into “taboo” subjects or disrupt the status quo. 

The unhealthy Scorpio can suffer from anxiety, can experience paranoia, and can obsess about the motives of others. They can be controlling, possessive, and manipulative using gaslighting, or guilt-tripping techniques to use others or they use sex, food, money, and possessions to gain “power” and control over others.

The Moon will be in Taurus, a feminine earth sign that seeks tangible security and comfort from the material world. Taurus rules possessions, personal wealth, and values. The Moon enjoys being grounded in earthy, sensual, and practical Taurus. A full Moon in Taurus wants to illuminate what is hidden beneath the surface, but Scorpio will not give up its secrets willingly. 

The Lunar Eclipse chart sees a great difference in perspectives. The combination of the Sun, Mercury, and Mars all in Scorpio can be aggressive, and reckless. These planets in close conjunction would rather “fight than switch”.  There is a tight opposition to the Moon and Jupiter as well as fading squares to Scorpio’s ruler, Pluto. Together this can be a very explosive combination. Emotions can run high, which can spark disagreements and clashes around beliefs and morals. The stubborn nature of Taurus and Scorpio suggests nothing will be resolved. The intense emotional energy winds down as the full moon recedes.