
The 2023 Summer Venus Retrograde in Leo ~ July 22 – September 3 

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The 2023 Summer Venus Retrograde in Leo ~ July 22 – September 3 

The Venus Retrograde in Leo 

6/19/23 Pre- retrograde shadow. Venus begins to slow down at 12 Leo12’ 

7/22/23 Venus stations and turns retrograde at 28 Leo 36’. Venus is retracing her steps. 

9/3/23 Venus stations and turns direct at 12 Leo 12’ Venus starts to pick up speed.

10/7/23 Venus returns to the degree it was when it went retrograde and the post-retrograde shadow ends. 

The Venus Cycle 

Venus rules love, values, beauty, and aesthetics. Venus embraces what we cherish, what we deeply resonate with or desire. The Goddess of Love goes retrograde for 40/43 days (six weeks) every 18 months. Venus has a unique astronomical signature; the retrograde “backspin” marks Venus shifting from the Evening Star when she can be seen low on the horizon to the Morning Star when she rises before the Sun.  

Venus also has an eight-year cycle when she returns to the same place in our sky on about the same date. During her eight-year cycle, she traces a Pentagram; a five-pointed star, and also creates an Octagram, an eight-pointed star between the Earth and the Sun. Durning Venus’ eight-year cycle she aligns with the Earth and the Sun five times, for five synodic cycles tracing a pentagram. The Octctagram is created every eight years when she returns to the same point in the sky where the cycle originally began.  You can learn more about this amazing astronomical event at https://www.sciencealert.com/the-celestial-dance-between-earth-and-venus-draws-a-stunning-pattern-through-space

What to expect when Venus goes retrograde 

When Venus goes retrograde it is time to reassess what, who, and why we value/love/cherish. Regarding love and romance, now is the time to review, analyze, or re-think our personal relationships. Remember that all personal planet retrogrades provide a window to view our current situations in a more introspective and decerning way. During Venus in retrograde, we want to avoid relationship misunderstandings. Try not to second-guess situations or make assumptions during the retrograde. 

It is not uncommon during a Venus retrograde to experience someone from your past showing up unexpectedly, providing an opportunity to reconnect, mend relationship wounds, or reminisce about shared past experiences with friends, family, and or past lovers. If possible do not initiate new romantic relationships and certainly do not get married when Venus is retrograde. Relationships started during a Venus retrograde often have a past life or karmic signature that can create a powerful bond. The relationship can thrive but can also be challenging and intense. Venus retrograde encourages internal reflection about our meaningful relationships. This is a good time to practice discernment in all our relationships. If you are planning to end a significant relationship, if possible, don’t do it during Venus retrograde. Wait for Venus to leave the Post Retrograde Shadow. ( October 7, 2023) 

The Venus retrograde is an auspicious time to get serious about organizing our finances, creating a budget, or re-organizing or restructuring a business. It is an excellent time to renegotiate a financial situation or resolve a long-standing legal situation. It is a good time to review your financial situation, seek financial advice, or research ways to make financial improvements. You can research and plan events but you should throw the party, the wedding, and the fundraiser once Venus has left the post-retrograde shadow. I also do not recommend having plastic surgery for any type of physical beautification during the Venus retrograde cycle!

DO NOT Purchase big ticket items (houses, cars,) If the purchase can not be returned do not buy it. This is a great time to find bargains. Hit the flea market and the secondhand stores to find old items that can be refurbished or items that someone had thrown out not knowing their true value. 

The Lion Roars: Venus retrograde in Leo 

On June 19, 2023, Venus will enter the pre – retrograde shadow and begin to slow down at 12’Leo 12. Venus will spend its entire retrograde cycle in the sign of Leo. The Venus will retrograde on July 22, 23 at 28 Leo 36’ and turn direct on September 3, 2023, at 12 Leo 12’. The Post-retrograde phase will end when on October 7th Venus will return to 28 Leo 36’, the degree it turned retrograde at. 

The zodiac sign Leo is a fixed fire sign known for being generous, loyal, big-hearted as well as self-absorbed, and attention-seeking. Venus in Leo can be a dramatic, passionate, and romantic lover who is fun-loving but needs compliments and all the attention! With Venus retrograde transiting all Summer in Leo, this could be a downer for fire signs, Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Fire signs rather be having fun but the retrograde Venus is asking for a thoughtful reassessment and introspection regarding our values, our relationships, and our finances. Right before Venus in Leo goes retrograde the North and South Nodes will be changing signs ( more on this later) the switch from Taurus/ Scorpio to Aries./ Libra will bring additional focus on the importance of interpersonal relationships. The Venus retrograde and the Nodal axis change might cause relationships to get complicated. 

Expect big fireworks On August 9th when the retrograde Venus Leo will square the Uranus transiting in Taurus. This aspect can produce unorthodox situations, introduce you to new friends, or push you out of your comfort zone. Also, watch out for August 22 when the Venus retrograde will square the Jupiter transiting in Taurus. This aspect is prone to overindulgence and throwing caution aside and regretting the outcome later.  

Remember to use the Venus retrograde to evaluate the state of all your relationships, including friendships, romantic partnerships, co-workers, and family. Take the time to examine what’s working and what needs improving in your relationships. Why are you drawn to certain people, do you have a relationship pattern? Do you feel loved, cherished, valued, respected, and understood in your relationships? Can differences, disagreements, or irritations in your relationship be resolved or mitigated? Are you willing to put the time and energy into making the necessary changes to improve your relationships? What do other people need to contribute to creating relationship balance? The Venus retrograde can offer the opportunity for reconciliation and therapeutic healing. If you decided that a relationship is not serving your needs and you need to end the relationship try to wait until the Venus Post-Shadow is over on October 7th.   

This Venus retrograde will be very significant for individuals with planets and angles in fixed signs from 12′ to 28′ degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius.  

Interested in finding out how the Venus retrograde will affect you? Send me an email requesting an appointment for an astrological reading.