
Reminder: Venus is still Retrograde ~ Until September 3rd

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Reminder: Venus is still Retrograde ~ Until September 3rd

A reminder: Venus is still retrograde, we have until September 3 to do our Venus housekeeping! During this transit, we can benefit from taking the time to reflect, reconsider, rejuvenate, and revise Venus issues relating to relationships, self-worth, and personal values. Venus is retrograding in Leo, think back to Summer 2015, the last time Venus was retrograding in Leo. Venus in Leo is fun-loving, has a big heart, and needs room to be self-expressive and creative. Venus in Leo struggles with needing to be liked, too much pride and arrogance can be their undoing. Now is a good time to examine if you have any codependency issues, have been prideful, ungrateful, too self-centered, or have been relating to people who fit that description. Be honest, and brave, and dig deep into emotions and past relationship issues, decide what to keep and what to eliminate. What is serving you and what is drowning you? Be kind to yourself. Prioritize self-care. Doing the work of Venus retrograde deserves taking some “me” time and indulging in what makes you HAPPY! 

This Venus Leo retrograde is very significant for all the fixed signs, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius, especially the degrees 12’ to 28’. Of course, if you want to know more email me to set up an appointment.  

Coming soon … Mercury Retrograde. More on that later.