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2025 Venus Retrograde

March 1st to May 15th  

From Evening Star to Morning Star 

  • January 28th, Venus begins to slow down ~ Venus can be seen in the Evening 
  • February 3rd: Venus enters Aries
  • March 1st Venus Station to Retrograde at 10 Aries 50 
  • March 22 Venus is directly behind the Sun and will not be visible for 8 days. Venus/Sun conjunction. (Except for Northern latitudes, Venus will be visible in both the morning and evening sky.) *See below to learn more
  • Venus becomes the Morning Star
  • March 28th Venus falls back to Pisces 
  • April 12th Venus Stations Direct at 24 Pisces 38
  • April 30th Venus reenters Aries 
  • May 15th Venus leaves post shadow at 10 Aries 50 
  • Venus retrograde will overlap with a Mercury retrograde from March 15th to April 7th 
  • Two Eclipses while both Venus & Mercury are retrograde

The goddess of love and beauty, Venus, rules romance, values, art, and aesthetics. Venus seeks to possess and embrace what she cherishes, resonates with, or desires. 

Venus goes retrograde for 40 days every 18 months. When she goes retrograde, her “backspin” marks Venus’ shift from the Evening Star, when she can be seen low on the horizon, to the Morning Star when she rises before the Sun. Two weeks into her retrograde phase, she will be directly behind the Sun, and Venus will disappear from our view for 8 days. When Venus “goes dark,” we can use her descent into the primordial heart to review the state of our own hearts’ emotions, interpersonal relationships, values, and creative springs. This is the time to cleanse our subconscious, eliminate outdated baggage, and exorcise emotional or relationship demons. Now is the time to clean out and clean up what no longer serves your heart. 

The Venus Rose ~ the Five Petals of Venus 

Five Venus phase cycles take almost eight years to complete. The inferior conjunction points trace a pentagram around the zodiac in the five successive phase cycles. 

Venus creates what is often called the “Venus Rose” or the Petals of Venus, two geometric designs over an eight-year cycle.  Venus returns to the same place in the sky every eight years on about the same date. During this cycle, her movements will trace a Pentagram, a five-pointed star. Also, she will create an octagram, an eight-pointed star between the Earth and the Sun. 

These geometric designs are created as Venus aligns with the Earth and the Sun five times. As she completes five synodic cycles, she will trace out a pentagram. The octagram is created every eight years when she returns to the same point in the sky where the cycle originally began. You can learn more about this amazing astronomical celestial ballet at https://www.sciencealert.com/the-celestial-dance-between-earth-and-venus-draws-a-stunning-pattern-through-space

On February 3rd, the goddess of love entered Aries, traditional astrologers consider this a determent placement for Venus. Traditional astrologers felt Venus in Aries was too assertive, independent, and provocative. Venus in Aries goes against gender stereotyping; she is enterprising, bold, passionate, and confident! On March 1st, Venus will station to retrograde, she will fall back into the sign of her exaltation, Pisces on March 28th, and will station to direct on April 12th. She completes her retrograde cycle when she returns to 10 degrees of Aries on May 15th! 

Continue reading “2025 Venus Retrograde “

How To Use An Astrological Calendar

Part One: The Moon

Now that you have your 2025 Astrological calendar let’s learn how to use it! Using your 2025 Astrological calendar, you will be able to follow the transiting Moon as she moves through her phases and track when she is void -of -course. Knowing when the Moon is void you will be able to take advantage of the most favorable lunar periods to accomplish your goals. 

Understanding the Moon and her phases:

The Astronomy:

The Moon is our only satellite, the fifth-largest moon in our Solar System. The Moon is in a synchronous rotation with the Earth. The tidal forces between the Earth and the Moon slowed the Moon’s rotation until it became locked in its orbit around the Earth. The Moon always keeps the same side of its surface facing the Earth. (The Moon rotates on its axis roughly about the same time it orbits the Earth.)

 Synodic Month:

It takes the Moon 29.5 days to completely cycle through eight distinct phases. “The Lunar phases change cyclically as the Moon orbits the Earth according to the changing relative positions of the Earth, Moon and Sun.” (Wikipedia) The Moon is considered extremely significant in all divisions of Astrology. She rules our day-to-day awareness—the perceptional mind of emotions and senses. The intuitive/ instinctive consciousness regulates automatic functions. The Moon is very personal having rulership over all familiar ties, especially female relatives. For women, the Moon is the most important planet in their Natal charts. She describes our emotional nature, and our relationship with the phases of womanhood ( maiden, mother, crone) A woman’s physical, hormonal, psychological, and cultural experience and expression of the divine feminine are expressed through her moon’s sign and placement.

Astrologer, Dane Rudhyar, was a leader in the Humanist Astrology movement. In 1967, he wrote the book “The Lunar Cycle” describing in-depth the astrological implications of each of the phases of the Moon. He was the first to ascribe Jungian archetypal motifs to the phases.

 Let’s take a journey through the phases of the Moon using classic archetypes to light the way.

 The Dance of Moon, Sun & Earth:

The Moon, through her phases, reflects the Sun’s light to the earth. The Sun is our life-giving star. The Sun represents energy that is constant and positive. Its highest expression is the ability to illuminate our connection to spirit. The Sun gives vitality, confidence, and creative expression when well-placed in a natal chart. Earth is the Goldilocks planet; just the right distance, size, and spin to create a planet that can sustain life. From our planet, both the Sun and Moon appear to be of equal size.

The Phases 

The New Moon: 0.00 to 45‘ Archetype: VISIONARY Day 1/Day 29 

**Begin new projects**

The Moon is between the Earth and the Sun. Invisible as she rises and sets with the Sun. Rainfall tends to be heavier and tides are higher. This Moon phase is tuned into the collective unconscious and has only an intuitive sense of self. From 0’ to 45’ the energy moves from childlike innocence to playfulness and exploration.

The Crescent Moon: 45’ to 90’ Archetype: The Individualist Day 4

The Crescent Moon rises around Noon and sets around Midnight in the Western sky. The light is emerging. We are conscious of “what could be”. We start exploring our individualism. This Moon rebels against constraints and injustices. Our soul at this stage of development starts to seek more meaningful experiences.

The First Quarter:90’ to 135’ Archetype: The Warrior Builder: Day 7

The Moon is now half light/half dark: the Moon crosses the earth’s orbit moving outward. We struggle with inner conflicts, timeless subjects include the forces of darkness and light, good/bad, right/wrong, and fate vs free will. The individual starts to become social.

The Gibbous Moon: 135’ to 180’: Archetype: The Scholar Day 10

The Light becomes more prominent. We move from intuition to intellect. We direct our psyche into the outer world developing a socialized ego. There is a need to balance the personal and the collective. We explore intellectual possibilities. 

The Full Moon: 180’ to 225’ Archetype: The Beloved day 14 The Sun and the Moon are of equal size in the sky facing each other. The earth is farthest from the Sun. The spiritual marriage of the Sun & Moon. The union of anima/ animus, male/female. The Full Moon is pregnant/receptive with creative self-actualizing energy. We are developing integrated personal relationships. This Moon focuses on physical, romantic, and spiritual relationships.

The Disseminating Moon: 225’ to 270’: Archetype: Teacher Day 18

Reemergence of the darkness. Spiritual awakening. Intensified relationships both positive and negative. This Moon seeks to purify emotions. Now we are preparing for the return of the collective unconscious. Ego has reached its pinnacle and knowledge and experience are released. We apply intellect by sharing our knowledge. We open up to the universal; acknowledge the need to return to the source, and explore psyche and philosophical and political activism. Connecting to others who share intuitive truths and intellectual knowledge.

Last Quarter Moon: 270’ to 315’: Archetype: Reformer/Hero’s Journey Day 22

The Moon crosses the Earth’s orbit moving inward: reevaluation We turn towards the subconscious and explore imagination and intuition. Start to link the inner and outer worlds. Creative tension exists between light/dark, a battle between ego and subconscious ( psychological battles)We descend into the darkness to save or redeem ourselves or someone else. Solar light gives form and structure to the unconscious. At this phase, it is important not to hide or repress the inner darkness or intuitive/instinctive information. Exposing lies and, uncovering corruption, or muckraking for the underdog.

Balsamic Moon/The Dark Moon:315’ to 360’ Archetype: Prophet Day 26

The growing darkness, depression, pessimism, a Cassandra visionary. We can now access the accumulated knowledge and wisdom of the collective unconscious. This Moon senses “that which will be”. There can be a need to withdraw from the world to reconnect to the source of inspiration, the Muse. Can become isolated, withdrawn, and depressed.

*** Next we will discover the meaning of a Void-of-Course Moon. ***

The Wandering Moon: void of course

By observing the daily lunar motion, you can take advantage of the most favorable time periods to accomplish your goals. You can minimize difficulties by knowing when the Moon is void of course. Understanding when the Moon is void-of-course allows us to consciously choose the best time to take action to produce the outcome we want.

You can minimize difficulties by knowing when the Moon is void -of -course. 

The Moon waxes (increases) and wanes (decreases) from New Moon to New Moon in 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes and 2.7 seconds. The Moon moves from 12’ to 15’ in a day. (It moves 1/2 a degree in 1 hour.) The sign the Moon is traveling in will change every 2 1/2 days. The Moon is considered void- of- course when it ceases to make any major applying aspect to another planet before entering into the next zodiac sign.

During the void- of -course, the Moon is “free-floating” creating a feeling of non-structure. It can be difficult to ground ourselves during the void of course. The last aspect will provide clues about how the void -of -course will “feel” and what might happen. 

William Lilly, a seventeenth-century Renaissance horary astrologer believed that when the Moon was void-of-course in Taurus; her exalt, Cancer; her rule or traveling in Sagittarius and Pisces, signs that are favored by Jupiter, the void-of-course Moon could be relied on. 

The last aspect the Moon makes before she goes void-of course can be any one of the Ptolemy* aspects. (see below)  Aspects are the geometry between the planets and show if the relationship between the planets will be easy or difficult. Your Astrological Calendar will have a glyph key explaining the symbols used on your calendar. 

Conjunction: (0’) initiate actions (actions best applied via creativity)

Sextiles: (60’) provide an opportunity

Squares: (90’) difficulties that require action to overcome

Trine: (120’) positive results

Oppositions: (180’) Compromise or imbalance

If possible, during a void- of – course we should avoid activities that require alertness such as using machinery we are not familiar with. Traditional astrology counsels that during a void Moon, individuals should avoid making important decisions. If it is not possible to avoid events that require focus pay close attention to what you are doing and take breaks.

The void-of-course is an excellent time for working with creative energy! Use this time to tap into your subconscious/dream space. Do what you find relaxing: meditate, practice yoga, and work on artistic projects.

Between the first and last aspects made by the Moon, you can effectively take action to influence the outcome expressed by the zodiac signs the Moon is passing through. By the time the Moon goes void- of- course the energy has passed and any action we initiate during the void course will be ineffectual.

How to find the void- of course on your daily astrological calendar.

You will need to find the -v/c- which tells you that the Moon has made her last aspect. In our example, the Moon in Sagittarius is making a harmonious sextile to Saturn at 2:09 am. This tells us that this void-of course Moon is easy to navigate. The void- of course is over at 11:11 am when the Moon enters Capricorn. 

If instead, the Moon’s last aspect was a square; the void-of-course time period may be fraught with conflict, or if the Moon’s last aspect before going void-of-course had been an opposition we know that we will need to balance the nature of the planets involved. The opposition works best if the Moon is moving towards (applying to) Jupiter, Venus, or Mercury. 

If the Moon’s last aspect is easy ( sextile 60’ or trine 120’) and especially so if she is in Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius, or Pisces we can expect the void- of course, to go well. 

If we know what the last aspect is, what sign the Moon is in we can use the void of course to navigate a potentially difficult period. A void-of-course Moon can last hours so it’s good to know what kind of energy the day might bring. 



Once you use your daily calendar you will begin to notice how a particular transiting Moon or aspect affects you. Some people find squares invigorating while others might find them frustrating. By using your daily astrological calendar you will start to develop a unique understanding of your relationship with the Moon.

The Moon through the Signs: 

Cardinal Fire Moon Aries: energetic……headstrong

Fixed Earth Moon Taurus: cautious practical…….obstinate EXALT

Mutable Air Moon Gemini: indecisive restless…. open-minded versatile

Cardinal Water Moon Cancer: nurturing….shrewd RULES

Fixed Fire Moon Leo: enthusiastic…. proud

Mutable Earth Moon Virgo: competent….critical

Cardinal Air Moon Libra: teamwork….acquiescent

Fixed Water Moon Scorpio: perceptive…….secretive Detriment

Mutable Fire Moon Sagittarius: Spontaneity……Naive/ boasting

Cardinal Earth Moon Capricorn: realistic…. pessimistic FALL

Fixed Air Moon Aquarius: friendly……….detached

Mutable Water Moon Pisces: imaginative……….distracted

Phases of the Moon 

New Moon: New beginnings subjective self-centered imprinting moment ( 0′ conjunction) 

Crescent Moon: planting, building, the struggle to create structures

First Quarter Moon: the square (90’) brings forth crisis, lights a spark, stepping forward to meet a challenge.

Gibbous Moon: evaluation of goals, accomplishment-oriented, blending of passion and intelligence.

Full Moon: emergence illumination, clarity awareness of others, finding meaning through others. (180′ opposition) 

Disseminating Moon: filled with knowledge and experience. Sharing life purpose/ mission with others.

Last Quarter Moon: the beginning of the end, tearing down, discontent with the status quo reorientation

Balsamic Moon: alienated from the past yet unclear about the future. Sensing what could be. Release the past.

*Ptolemy Aspects:  Conjunction (0°), Sextile (60°), Square (90°), Trine (120°), and Opposition (180°). Major aspects are those that are divisible by 10 and evenly divided into a 360° circle.

Getting Ready for 2025

Prepare for 2025

We will see some major events transpire during 2025. Three outer planets will ingress into new signs, Mars and Venus will be busy in retrograde motion, and the north and south nodes will shift into new signs. 2025 looks to be a busy year!

If you want to learn more about astrology and how the planetary cycle affects you I suggest you get a 2025 astrological calendar or digital astrology app to help you. Here are some suggestions:

2025 Astrological Calendars and Planners, and Digital apps to create charts

A new year is almost here. Are you interested in learning more about astrology? Would you like to understand how to use astrology daily to help you be prepared for astrological events?  I have some suggestions for you. No, do not read your monthly Sun Sign astrology in the newspaper. Instead, you can go ahead and purchase a Daily Planetary Guide. There are so many to choose from!  

Some of my favorites are: 

  1. The Magic of I Astrological Planner: The beautiful design offers an astrological reference guide, planetary movements, retrogrades, and Moon phases, including a planting guide, also a planetary ephemeris for the year. They now offer a basic digital astrological calendar that works with your desktop calendar. All their products are pricey but if you enjoy using a planner it’s worth it. They offer beautiful and well-made products. https://magicofi.com
  2. Since Jim Maynard retired and no longer publishes his phenomenal astrology calendar I have switched to Llewellyn’s Daily Planetary Guide. It’s reasonably priced and includes all the information you need to follow the Sun, Moon, and the planets as they move throughout the year. Llewellyn’s also offers a Witches’ Datebook https://www.llewellyn.com/browse_type.php?type=62&product_category_id=100.
  3. If you are a serious student of Astrology, I highly recommend the Honeycomb Collective Personal Astrological Almanac. You can add asteroids, Hellenistic Zodiacal Releasing, and Lots, or add your Solar Return. They offer a wall calendar. You can receive both the almanac and calendar digitally.    https://www.honeycomb.co

4. For our pagan sisters, I would recommend the Astro Moon Diary published by Astrocal. Their Astro Moon Diary offers a mix of information about astrology, astronomy, and the Pagan Solar and Cross Quarter Festivals. Unfortunately, they are not offering a USA 2025 version all times need to be converted.  https://www.astrocal.co.uk/usa-shop/

Digital Calendars and apps to create charts

1. For people who have an iPhone, I like the Time Nomad app. The program offers professional-level accurate planetary positions, Time Nomad is a detailed and comprehensive astrological calendar. Easy to track the Moon, and her void- of-course times. You can pay for helpful add-ons at a reasonable price.

2. Time Passages will work on all phones. It is easy to use and navigate. The app provides planetary movements and educational content. Not all the app features are free.

3. Would you like to create free charts? AstroMatrix offers a free in-app purchase for premium content birth charts and natal chart analysis.

4. Completely free but more challenging to use is Astrocalc.com

The program offers a free download that gives you everything you need to create natal charts and run transits and progressions.

AI Daily Astrological Guidance

If you rather receive your astrological information on a phone, tablet, or desktop there are excellent apps available. (I am not a fan of AI and many of the new astrological apps use AI programming).

If you have money, the well-known astrologers Steven Forrest and Ricky Williams, put together the Lila app. You input your natal chart information and the app provides daily astrological insights.

Be sure to check back when I post “How to use your new 2025 astrological planner.” 


“It is a wise person who rules the stars, a fool who is ruled by them.”

The Mars Retrograde of 2024-2025

The 2024- 2025 Mars Retrograde Cycle      ( Mercury retrograde and Mars retrograde overlap until 12/15/2024) 

12/6/2024 to 05/02/2025 

  • Mars entered the pre-Shadow retrograde zone on 10/4/2024 at 17’ Cancer 01
  • Mars Retrograde starts December 6 2024 at 06 Leo 10
  • Mars backtracks into Cancer on January 7, 2025.  
  • Mars will go direct on 2/23/2025 at 17 Cancer 01 
  • Mars reenters Leo on April 17, 2025
  • Mars leaves the post-shadow retrograde shadow on May 2, 2025, at 06 Leo10 

Important Aspect during the Mars Retrograde cycle: 

  • On 11/3/2024, Mars was in Cancer at 29’ opposite Pluto Capricorn at 29’ (this was right before the election) 
  • On January 3, 2025, Mars retrograde at 1’Leo will be opposite Pluto at 1’ Aquarius.
  • On April 27, 2025, Mars will again oppose Pluto they will both be direct in motion at 3’Leo/Aquarius. 

This Mars opposite Pluto aspect is highly volatile, involving the stubborn fixed signs of Leo and Aquarius. This combination often manifests as a defiant attitude, characterized by aggression and a lack of self-control. Actions taken at this time may not be logical. This transit can revolve around an obsession with power and dominance, as well as a refusal to compromise. 

The second square in a series of three takes place on December 24, 2024, with Jupiter at 14’ Gemini square and Saturn at 14’ Pisces. Collectively, we are facing the cause and effect of our moral choices. A lot of FAFO will unfold. 

On February 3, 2025, Mars at 19’ Cancer will Square Chiron at 19’ Aries: Chiron squares can be emotional and very painful. This aspect potentially will be more difficult for cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorns. 


Image depicting the retrograde motion of Mars
The Retrograde Motion of Mars

The Mars Retrograde Cycle:

Re-examining and Reflecting on Actions and Consequences 

Mars goes retrograde about every 26 months for 58-81 days. When Mars “goes retrograde,” it will look like Mars has changed direction, but it’s an optical illusion created by our viewpoint here on Earth. 

Mars rules physical activities, life force, sexual energy, and the competitive and ambitious drive to get our basic needs met. Mars is how we go about getting what we want in life. A healthy Mars is confident, ambitious, assertive, and strong-willed. A Mars that is not well-placed can be indecisive, timid, and co-dependent. 

Mars is exalted when in Capricorn, rules when in Aries & Scorpio, detriment when in Taurus & Libra, and in its Fall while in Cancer. 

The Mars retrograde of 2024 – 2025  will spend its retrograde cycle in both Leo and Cancer.

Mars transiting in Leo, a fixed masculine fire sign, is thought to represent humanity’s best and worst traits. Known for their large egos and generous hearts, Mars in Leo needs to be the center of attention, self-confident, and courageous. However, Mars in Leo can also be rigid, prideful, and stubborn. 

Mars transiting in Cancer is a much different expression than outgoing and confidant Leo. Mars Cancer is a difficult transit. Cancer is a cardinal feminine water sign, Cancer is concerned with emotions, family, home, and security. Mars in Cancer is debilitated by being in the opposite sign of Mars’ exaltation, which is considered to be in decline, weak, and hidden.   

When a planet is in its Fall, it doesn’t have value, it is not listened to, hidden away, or cast out. A planet in its Fall can overcompensate, act oddly, or indicate an imbalance. 

When Mars goes retrograde we can feel deflated, indecisive, and lack motivation. Mars’s retrograde energy becomes internalized, introspective, and hesitant to react. The internalized anger and stress can exacerbate health issues at this time.

Plans or projects can stall or move slower than planned. Accidents are a possibility due to impulsive behavior, disagreements, and aggressive confrontations, which are more likely to occur during Mars’s retrograde.

Sometimes delays, setbacks, and frustrations during the Mars retrograde help us to discover issues that need to be addressed and behaviors that need to be changed. The Mars retrograde can force us to examine Mars issues relating to anger, sexuality, and ambition. If you have been overworking, trying to cope with stress, or are experiencing health struggles the Mars retrograde can force you to slow down and use the Mars retrograde cycle time to reconsider how you have been managing your life. 

The Mars retrograde is an excellent time to reexamine what has been working and not working in our lives. We can use the retrograde to reinforce and strengthen the routines that support our goals. We can review and hopefully gain understanding regarding our anger issues, impulses, desires, and ambitions. 

  • If we decide to make changes it is best to wait to take necessary corrective measures when Mars goes direct. 
  • The retrograde is a good time to review your goals and the methods you have been deploying to meet your goals.  
  • You can make adjustments, work out the details, and take corrective action to implement changes after Mars has gone direct. 

During Mars retrograde DO NOT buy or DIY anything mechanical! Do not force things! At this time initiating or being impulsive will not help and can have serious consequences. 

The Mars retrograde is a good time to:

  • Review how you handle anger, conflicts, competition, sexual relationships, self-defense, and passive/aggressive issues. 
  • Recalibrate, slow down, and redefine your relationship to Mars issues. Listen to your intuition, go with your instincts. 
  • What in your life is no longer serving a purpose? 
  • What is essential and what do you need to let go of? 
  • Expand your perspective, be flexible, and accept changes. 

Prepare for the retrograde and remember that:

 “It is a wise person who rules the stars, a fool who is ruled by them.”  

The Mercury Retrograde Cycle and the 2024 Fall Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius

The Fall Mercury Retrograde  

November 7, 2024, at 4:32 am  Pre-Shadow at 06 Sagittarius 24 

November 25, 2024, 6:42 pm Mercury goes retrograde at 22 Sagittarius 40

December 15, 2024, 12:56 pm (PT)   Mercury station to direct at 06 Sagittarius 24 

January 2, 2025, Mercury leaves Post Retrograde Shadow at 22 Sagittarius 40

Sagittarius Mercury Retrograde is Coming!

Mercury will start slowly down on November 7th, entering the pre-shadow period of the Mercury retrograde cycle. Mercury officially goes station to retrograde on November 25th. Mercury will be stationed to direct on December 15th. Mercury will complete its Fall Mercury retrograde cycle on January 2nd, when it leaves the post-retrograde shadow, having retraced its steps and returning to the degree when the retrograde started.

Here is a bit about Mercury and the Mercury Retrograde Cycle 

The Planet Mercury 

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. It is never more than thirty degrees away from the Sun and takes Mercury 88 days to circle it. In our chart, Mercury represents our communication style, perceptions, thoughts, ideas, reasoning, and logic. Mercury is also important in the use of technology (phones, computers, mechanical instruments, and the Internet). It influences transportation and travel plans and is associated with commerce and trade. 

Mercury is exalted in Aquarius, rules in Gemini and Virgo, and has challenges when placed in Sagittarius and Pisces. 

If Mercury is behind the Sun in your chart your communication style is more cautious and reflective. ( hindsight)

If your Mercury is ahead of the Sun in your chart your communication style is more pragmatic and objective. ( foresight)

There are three types of solar conjunctions; cazimi, combust, and under the Sun’s beams. If your Mercury is conjunct with the Sun (under the Sun’s beams 8’ – ’17 degrees) one’s solar identity and one’s ideas are merged and the conjunction is considered mildly debilitated. The individual can be very creative but can lack perspective. 

If the Mercury is 8 degrees or closer to the Sun, then the Mercury is said to be “combust” and afflicted. A combust planet is considered weak because, like the mythical Icarus, the planet is flying too close to the Sun and gets “burnt”. 

Cazimi occurs when a planet is within 1 degree of the Sun ( or 17 arc minutes).  Astrologer, Olivia Barclay states in her book, Horary Astrology Rediscovered “Any planet at the very heart of the Sun, within 17 minutes of its center, is called Cazimi and is considered most fortunate. (p.86)

Cazimi is an ancient Arabic term, (translated means heart of the Sun) for when a planet is within 17 mins arc of the Sun. Cazimi is considered to be a form of “accidental dignity”, fortified by the Sun’s rays, an auspicious and lucky time. 

A Cazimi Mercury has been called the “mark of genius,” strengthening the abilities to communicate, gain intellectual insights, and have the ability to see “into the heart of situations and circumstances.” 

Retrogrades Motions:

A retrograde occurs only from the Earth’s viewpoint. (Geocentric) A retrograde happens when a faster-moving planet catches up and passes a slower-moving planet during its orbit around the Sun. When a planet is retrograde a new synodic cycle begins. ( the conjunction of two planets thus starting a new cycle) 

During retrograde motion, the Earth and the retrograde planet are closest in their orbit, (on the same side of the Sun) and the retrograde planet appears to be larger in the sky. ( except for Mercury and Venus) 

The Mercury Retrograde Cycle:

Most of the time when we see Mercury it is moving in the same direction as the Sun. But, when Mercury is closest to the Earth it “appears” to reverse its direction for about three weeks. Mercury goes retrograde three sometimes four times a year. 

The Pre-Retrograde Shadow:

Prior to going retrograde Mercury’s speed starts to slow down and we start to notice frustrations with communication, travel, and technology. We can use this “pre-retrograde” time to get ready and prepare. Be sensible and take the initiative to get ahead of possible mercury retrograde problems. Take your car to get looked at or get an oil change, check your tires, back up your computer, update your computer’s security and virus protection, and replace your smoke alarm batteries. 


Mercury slows to a halt and officially goes “station to retrograde”. This is when we experience significant frustrations regarding communication, commerce, travel, and technology. We can expect miscommunications, travel delays or the need to cancel and reschedule plans and technology can break down. As Mercury “retraces his steps” we can see what needs to be revised, reorganized, and restructured. Mercury retrograde can reveal flaws in our plans and our thinking process. We can be overwhelmed with blockages and beset with unforeseen obstacles, We may have to make changes, adjust our schedules, and repeat steps. It can be difficult to express ourselves clearly, or we misread what others are saying to us. Situations that begin under Mercury Retrograde often reappear or resolve themselves under a future Mercury Retrograde!

Mercury retrograde supports introspection, and re-evaluation, and can increase intuition and psychic awareness. Intuition works better than logic during this time. Trust your instincts, be guided by your dreams, and explore your creativity when Mercury is retrograde.

Remember to SLOW down, take your time, and double-check your work, pay attention to details. Mercury retrograde works best when focused on reorganizing, reviewing, redoing, and finishing projects. 

When Mercury goes Direct 

Once Mercury has gone “station to direct” we can slowly feel the retrograde release its gripe as the gears begin to move forward. 

Post Retrograde ( two sometimes three-week periods) 

During the post-Mercury retrograde period, as Mercury gains speed, situations start to “correct” themselves. At this time, we can begin to problem solve and work on the issues that the Mercury retrograde broke. During the post-retrograde phase, you are given the chance to handle the third pass of Mercury more effectively. ( Mercury is now retracing his steps)

Working with Mercury Retrograde 

We can transform our experience with Mercury Retrograde and use the “backward” motion to our benefit. Knowledge is power. When Mercury goes retrograde, we can avoid unnecessary difficulties by following a few sensible guidelines and consciously working with retrograde energy. 

1. Use the three-week window before Mercury goes retrograde (called the shadow period) to get prepared. For example: 

  • Back up your computer, tablet, and cell phone. 
  • Do car maintenance.
  • If possible, avoid purchasing big-ticket items that cannot be returned. 
  • Avoid making agreements or signing contracts.
  • Do not start new projects 

2. Know what sign Mercury will be retrograde in. The sign that Mercury is transiting while retrograde will tell you what specific difficulties you might encounter. For example, if Mercury was retrograde in sensitive and emotionally watery Cancer the retrograde would highlight issues around home life, domesticity, communications with family members, family resources, and emotional security issues. This placement can bring to the surface emotions that have been dwelling deep in the subconscious, and uncomfortable and unresolved emotions can rise to the surface. Communication can be filled with micro-aggressions. People tend to be more hypersensitive at this time and emotional misunderstandings can be difficult to resolve. Mercury retrograde in Cancer can tap into memories of unresolved emotional conflicts, and people and situations from your past can come into focus. This is a time when you can use your natural psychic abilities to further emotional growth. People can feel moody and have the urge to “nest” during this transit. Mercury retrograde in Cancer is a good time to do renovations, complete household repairs, work on a family scrapbook, or investigate your family’s genealogy. 

3. Know what house the Mercury retrograde is traveling in. For example, if Mercury retrograde is moving through your 6th house prepare to experience challenges at work or with your co-workers. If it is traveling through your third house pay extra attention to how you are driving, and be careful when speaking it is easier to be misunderstood at this time. 

4. In general, the best use of your energy during the Mercury retrograde is to slow down, pay attention to your surroundings, take the scenic route, and be mindful that you might run into delays, and it’s okay. Give yourself extra time to get where you are going, and be patient with yourself and others. Be prepared to possibly experience communication difficulties, misunderstandings, or delays at work or when traveling. Practice patience and be cautious. Review your work, recheck your schedule, double-check your calendar, and take the extra step to make sure things are done correctly. 

5. Take time to relax, try to meditate, walk, and take a nap. Step out of your normal routine. The Mercury retrograde can be an excellent time to reflect, daydream, and imagine. Get in touch with your inner creative energies. Be open to psychic information. 

6. Traditional astrology advises that during the Mercury retrograde it is unwise to enter into contractual agreements. Often contracts signed when Mercury is retrograde are flawed or the agreement will need to be revised or the legal matter drags on and on. DO NOT BUY BIG TICKET ITEMS like cars or computers. DO NOT BEGIN NEW PROJECTS!

7. The best use of our time and energy during a Mercury retrograde is to “retrace our steps”, circle back and review, re-examine, and revise if necessary. 


When Mercury goes retrograde, we often experience difficulties, delays, and frustrations with travel, communication, and technology. By knowing when Mercury goes retrograde, we can save ourselves a lot of headaches. We can prepare to meet the coming challenges. 

Spend the retrograde reevaluating, reviewing, and completing projects. Ideally, Mercury retrograde is a fertile time to work with creative and spiritual energies. When we go with the flow of the retrograde things tend to go better. It is helpful to know the sign that Mercury is in while retrograde. The sign tells us “the mood” and behavior the retrograde period will exhibit.

Try to take preventive measures at least three weeks before Mercury goes retrograde. For example: take your car or computer for repairs or upkeep 3 weeks before the retrograde starts. Please wait until Mercury has gone direct for three weeks before starting any new projects. 

When Mercury retrograde transits connect to your Natal, Solar, or Progressed charts Mercury issues; particularly, communications issues can become very challenging. 

Remember the Do and Do NOT Do List for Mercury Retrograde

  • Do check and recheck travel plans, schedules, and appointments
  • Do review, re-do, review, tie up loose ends, repair
  • Do fix what was broken during the last retrograde
  • Do double-check written documents or calculations 
  • DO NOT SIGN CONTRACTS, DO NOT buy big-ticket items, electronics, cars
  • Do not start a new project, take a new job, or avoid doing anything last-minute 
  • If you must make a purchase, send important packages, or travel purchase insurance
  • Plan! Give yourself extra time to arrive at your destination or finish projects 

Continue reading “The Mercury Retrograde Cycle and the 2024 Fall Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius “

The Astrological Strengths and Weaknesses of Presidential Candidates VP Harris and Donald Trump

The upcoming United States Election 

I recently attended several Zoom meetings with astrologers from around the world. The discussion focused on who each astrologer thought would win the upcoming United States election. The panels of astrologers were mostly represented by men, and there were only two women. The astrologers used different approaches and focused on different reasons why they thought a certain candidate might win. Interestingly, many of the men thought that Trump would win, and the two women thought that Vice President Harris would win. Every single astrologer thought there would be violence associated with the election. 

When using Astrology to predict an election outcome, astrologers use many different tools. Traditionally, Electoral Astrologers analyze the Spring Equinox chart, the candidate’s natal, solar, and progressed charts, the country’s birth chart, and recent eclipses. And of course, the chart for election day.  I think it is also helpful to look at the Autumn Equinox chart and look at each candidate’s Astro locality chart set to the White House. 

Because it was Mercury retrograde when the Continental Congress declared independence from England, there is confusion about the timing of the United State’s birth chart. 

There are several historical primary sources to help us decide the possible time that Congress ratified the Declaration of Independence. 

John Adams from Massachusetts wrote to his wife Abagail every day and discussed what transpired during the meetings. Thomas Jefferson from Virginia and the primary author of the Declaration of Independence, kept a diary. Several other members of the Continental Congress wrote letters describing the events in Philadelphia that summer. 

Adams wrote to his wife on July 3 and told her that he believed that July 2 would be the day that the United States celebrated independence from England because that was the day that the Continental Congress passed unanimously a resolution declaring independence from England. It was then decided that the declaration needed revising. Thomas Jefferson, Adams, and Benjamin Franklin worked on revisions all day on July 3rd and into the morning of July 4th. On the morning of July 4th, the Continental Congress convened at 9:00 am, and ratifying the declaration was the second item on the day’s agenda. Noted, American historian David McCulloch writes, ‘Discussion of the Declaration appears to have continued through the morning until about 11:00 am when the debate was closed, and the vote was taken.  (1988,p.137) 

In a classic Mercury retrograde fashion, there are various birth charts used for the United States. Other charts are set for later in the afternoon when the trio of Jefferson, Adams, and Franklin were tasked with preparing a Seal of the United States; other charts are based on when the Declaration was printed, also in use is a historically unjustified middle of the night chart. The most popular is called the Sibly chart, it is an esoteric chart that “signifies” the event and is not based on historical facts. I use the mid-morning chart based on the Journals of the Continental Congress. I also refer to when the Declaration of Independence was read to the public on July 8th at Noon in Philadelphia. 

For folks that don’t want to know the astrological why, I have added a Quick analysis to each section and will do a summary as well.

Trump’s Astrological strengths and weaknesses in the upcoming election 

Trump, as you might imagine, has an extremely bellicose natal chart, filled with aggressive aspects and some very lucky Jupiter aspects, Trump has succeeded at failing upward. 

Natal Chart with USA’s chart: Quick analysis: He is planning to use the same strategies as the last time he ran for office. He still has a strong appeal to the media, his base identifies with his grievances, he uses the Gish gallop technique effectively, and believes that any drama including negative attention is better than no attention. 

His natal chart makes some very strong aspects with the United States’ natal chart. He has a talent for bringing out the worst in people. ( his Pluto on USA North Node, his Sun/North Node on USA Mars /MC, his Jupiter/Chiron on USA’s Saturn/Juno and opposite USA’s Chiron, his Sun/ Moon/ Nodes Square USA’s Neptune, ***his Mercury conjuncts USA’s Sun, Jupiter, Venus and it is all squared by his Neptune***) 

Because his Mercury is elevated and in conjunction with the country’s Sun, Jupiter, and Venus, the main steam media created him. He gets nonstop media attention, and the conjunction is squaring his Neptune,  so he is good at lying and spreading disinformation and effectively using the Gish gallop strategy, and these aspects are a strong indicator of celebrity cult status. His Chiron is exactly on the country’s Saturn. If Chiron is wounded, it lashes out and wounds whatever it touches. Saturn is the country’s foundation. He appeals to those who harbor grievances. He is angry and wants revenge. 

The Solar Chart: Quick Analyses ~ Bad health, more legal troubles 

This chart indicates serious health issues with the Moon in opposition to Saturn, and they both are squaring his Sun/Mercury/Venus. There’s also a nasty Mars squaring both the solar chart’s Pluto and his own natal chart’s Pluto. This can be violent, with uncontrollable desires, emotions, and impulses. It’s a dark aspect. 

Progressed chart: Quick analysis: Physical and mental deterioration and a desire for unlimited power. There is nothing that he won’t do in the pursuit of winning.

His progressed chart is very weak. His progressed ascendant with his Moon is square Saturn/ Pluto on the 10th house cusp this shows bad physical and mental health. It also is an indicator of power struggles, the desire for power, and the misuse of power. Saturn in the 9th house shows he is having legal troubles ( that’s an understatement). But, also he hopes to rely on the courts to help him.

He continues to have success with the media because his progressed Mercury is elevated making very nice aspects to his Venus/Jupiter. He also has allies who are extremely wealthy and are donating huge sums of money to help get him elected. 

When looking at his progressed chart with the USA’s chart, two significant things stand out. The USA’s Mars and his Uranus are Exactly conjunct on the 10th house, and both square the country’s Neptune. This is a violent, explosive, and deceitful combination. 

The 2024 Aries Ingress Chart with Trump’s Natal:

Quick Analysis:  A Violent Play for Power That Could Succeed

This chart is alarming. Trump’s Mars is elevated on the ingress chart’s 10th house and is opposite the ingress chart’s Mars; this is a very aggressive aspect. It indicates a person willing to go to great lengths to win. The ingress chart’s Mars makes favorable aspects to both his natal Sun and Moon. The astrologers who predicted Trump would win thought this combination of aspects indicated that he would prevail. 

Not only that, but the ingress chart’s Moon is a few degrees from Trump’s Pluto. This is a shady, manipulative aspect that can also indicate violence. Once again, the media is seen helping him with his Mercury, making trines to the ingress Venus. Trump makes them a lot of money. Trump’s Vesta is exactly on the ingress chart’s Neptune. This is a well-known aspect of large thefts and an indicator of a conman. 

Election Day 11/5/24 with Trump’s chart

Quick analysis: Repeating strategies like the last time he ran. This time more bullying and willingness to do whatever is necessary to win including violence, deceit, and manipulation.  Over the top in every way possible. 

Many states have been voting for weeks, so I decided to run the election day chart for polls closing in Hawaii. 

Trump has two significant connections with the election day chart; transiting Jupiter in Gemini (detriment and retrograde in motion) is on Trump’s Sun /North Node, also making a nice trine to his own Jupiter in Libra (also retrograde). I think that this shows that he is overconfident. Jupiter can be exaggerative, especially in its detriment and retrograde. He believes he has allies (planets in his 11th house) who are willing to help him. He also has some allies (planets in his 12th house) that are plotting against him. If Trump wins, he would be showcased, but Vance would be in charge. 

His Ascendant and his Mars are in a tight square to the malefic fixed star Algol and the transiting Uranus. He intends to bully anyone who gets in his way. This Summer, I wrote about how Trump and his running mate Vance, both had significant connections to the fixed star Algol. Remember that Algol represents the severed head of Medusa, poorly aspected Algol can lead to bad outcomes. 

Continue reading “The Astrological Strengths and Weaknesses of Presidential Candidates VP Harris and Donald Trump “

Happy Equinox ~ Themes of Balance & Equality,

September 22 Equinox ~ when the sun crosses over the Earth’s equator and night and day are approximately equal

The September Equinox heralds the first day of autumn for the Northern Hemisphere and, the first day of Spring for the Southern Hemisphere. At an equinox, the sun appears directly above the Earth’s equator. During the September equinox, the sun crosses from north to south. Day and night are equal in length at each equinox. The sun will enter the zodiac sign of Libra, ruled by the goddess of love; she seeks harmony, beauty, and social connection.  

Mundane astrologers cast charts for the exact moment of equinoxes and solstices to understand what might happen for the following three months. I like to check the AstroCartography or locational astrology for all Equinox and Solstice charts to see trends and world events. 

AstroCartography was pioneered and popularized by the astrologer Jim Lewis in the 1970s. The system uses astrology, astronomy, and geography to compare your natal chart, or a mundane event to a map of the Earth. The map shows each planet and its geographical position at the time of an event. For example, Mars might have been above the town where you were born. At that location you will feel more Mars; you might be more aggressive, argumentative, and competitive than if you lived under a Moon influence which would be fickle and emotionally sensitive. To complete the picture you have to factor in what houses and aspects are influencing the planet (s)  that you are living under. AstroCartography is fun and very helpful. 

The Autumn Equinox chart contains a waning but auspicious configuration called a Kite. The Kite occurred on 9/20 and included the Sun and the outer planets, Neptune in Pisces, Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Taurus, all three outer planets are in the last degrees of their signs. In 2025 the configuration will resurface but each outer planet will have moved forward into new signs, and the focus will shift to fire and air signs. An outer planet Kite indicates that world events are changing and will be moving in new directions. 

The United States national election comes several weeks after the Autumn Equinox. The Autumn Equinox chart holds some interesting insights related to the upcoming election. 

I will do a separate post about the upcoming US election if you are interested. I just wanted to let you know that what I have to say is not for the faint of heart. 

Pluto Re-Visits Capricorn 9/1/2024 to 11/19/2024

Pluto Revisits Capricorn ~ Updated 

September 1 the lord of the underworld, Pluto retrograded back into Capricorn for one last hurrah. Pluto entered Capricorn way back in 2008 and will move into Aquarius on November 19, 2024, and remain in that sign for the next 20 years. 

In 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IUA) demoted the ninth planet from the Sun. Pluto now is classified as a Dwarf planet. Planets are defined as celestial objects large enough to have been made rounded by their gravitational orbit and their orbital dominance clears the space surrounding the planet’s orbit. Pluto is not large enough to exert its orbital dominance and is one of five dwarf planets in our Solar System. It takes Pluto 248 years to complete one full cycle around the Sun

For the purpose of astrology, Pluto is very much considered a planet and can exert a powerful influence in our collective experience and is often a profound teacher in natal and progressed charts. 

Pluto provides transformational experiences at the deepest levels of consciousness. Intense, and destructive, Pluto destroys outdated decayed, and corrupted governments, institutions, and relationships, and as a Phoenix rises from the ashes to be reborn. 

Pluto offers opportunities for growth through brutal honesty, reaching inside our psyche and shedding light on our inner demons, exposing our weaknesses, and uncovering our strengths. Pluto cleanses and eliminates allowing renewal, and new beginnings.  

The negative aspects of Pluto often play out in the collective as power struggles, the rise of tyrannical and authoritarian governments, wars, pandemics, and the fall of long-standing empires. 

Pluto in Capricorn

You might remember that Pluto in Capricorn (2008 to 11/19/2024) has been busy rigging the system, consolidating and concentrating its power through fundamental bureaucracies that support patriarchal capitalism. Pluto in Capricorn oversaw the 2009 Wall Street Bail Out due to the 2008 Wall Street Crash. In 2008, Wall Street power players in finance, earning millions, had set in motion a stock market crash that wiped out more than $2 trillion of Americans’ retirement savings. As the stock market crashed foreclosures and unemployment rose America faced the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of 1929. 

Subprime mortgage lenders like Countrywide and Lehman Brothers caused the 2008 Wall Street crash. They sold millions of mortgages to homebuyers with poor credit and offered them “special rates” pushing unqualified people to buy homes they could not afford. Then they packaged the mortgages and passed on the toxic debt by the billions in the form of bonds. This irresponsibility happened when Pluto was in Sagittarius but reigning in and stabilizing the economy happened when Pluto entered practical Capricorn. The economy did not recover until 2013. 

The American taxpayer bailed out Wall Street to the tune of $29 trillion. No major Wall Street executive went to jail for destroying the economy. Banks and other financial institutions including the very banks that caused the crash received bailout loans. The bailout loans were granted at interest rates far below the market rate. Meanwhile, an estimated 10 million Americans lost their homes to the Wall Street subprime crash. 

So, Pluto in reckless and opportunistic Sagittarius let real estate companies and bankers hype subprime mortgages to unsuspecting homeowners and crashed Wall Street. Then Pluto in Capricorn had to put the economy back together and chose to feed trillions of taxpayer dollars to the very institutions that had caused the crisis. The bail-out allowed Wall Street to walk away with the minor sting of having to pay some fines, a few modest and watered-down financial regulations were instituted and no one of any importance went to jail. 

Every time Wall Street and its newly minted billionaire class are asked to pay more taxes the financial world spin doctors insist that the economy will suffer if we anger the financial “gods”. Major multinational corporations, billionaires, and millionaires pay little or no taxes. Huge companies keep gobbling up their competitors. A handful of companies own all the grocery chains. Fossil fuels companies since the 70’s have been engaged in disinformation campaigns to confuse and lie to the public about their enormous contributing role in climate change and many countries are still subsidies the industry knowing that they are destroying the habitability of the planet. Income inequality is getting worse and the federal minimum wage in America hasn’t been raised since 2009 it remains at $7.25 and there is no state where an individual can pay rent when working for minimum wage. Many workers need more than one job to survive. 

During the 2020 Covid -19 shut down the world experienced supply chain difficulties because most companies had been using JIT (“just in time”) shipping. To save money companies have very little stock on hand and the pandemic made it difficult to get products and consumers were frustrated by product shortages. Companies have used many excuses to justify raising prices such as; blaming the pandemic, product shortages, and wage hikes. Across the world, inflation has hit consumers’ wallets. The real reason behind raising prices is the unchecked power of corporations. Former US secretary of labor, Robert Reich believes that inflation is caused by, “the economic concentration of the American economy in the hands of a relative few corporate giants with the power to raise prices”.

A report by the United States Congress states that  “the top four grocery chains control 72% of sales in metropolitan areas” and this consolidation of food systems drives prices up. Currently, grocery chain Koger is seeking to merge with Albertson in what would be the largest supermarket merger in US history. During litigation, it was revealed that Koger hiked the price of eggs and milk price gouging consumers. 

During Pluto’s stay in Capricorn, our planet has been experiencing dramatic Climate change events. We have seen melting glaciers, heat waves, fires, floods, and famine. Not one single industrialized country has been able to meet its 2018 UN Paris Agreement commitments. 

Scientists warn that we are now headed for a temperature rise of up to 2.6C and the world needs to take immediate actions to cut greenhouse gas emissions.   

On March 20, 2023, while Pluto was in the very last degree of Capricorn, (the 29th degree of any zodiac sign is an Anaretic degree and considered to be “fated” and destructive), the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report was released. The report was an 8-year-long undertaking with assessments from the world’s most authoritative scientific body on climate change. The 8,000-page report offers a grim analysis, detailing the devastating consequences of rising greenhouse admissions around the world. I have included a summary of the 10 biggest findings from the 2023 IPCC report at the end of this page. 

From an Astrological perspective, the fact that this report was released while Pluto was in the Anaretic degree of earthy and ambitious Capricorn, a sign that represents traditional foundations of organizations, governments, and economies signals that these institutions are weak, tired, there is a sense of urgency and crisis looming. The Anaretic degree often indicates that “it is too late.” The report was a desperate attempt by climate scientists to warn governments to take action on climate change before it’s too late. Unfortunately, the media barely covered the report. 

Now once again we are at the Anaretic degree and some scientists are saying that they believe it’s too late to save humanity from a climate apocalypse.  

American Democracy in Crisis 

America is currently experiencing its Pluto return. When the American colonists declared independence from England, Pluto was retrograde in Capricorn at 27 degrees. The current transiting Pluto will not retrograde back for an exact conjunction, but it will be at the Anaretic degree and close enough to cause major problems for the upcoming national election on November 5th. I will post more about the election once we get closer to the date. 

Saying goodbye to Pluto in Capricorn

A lot happened while Pluto was transiting in Capricorn (2008 -2024)  a huge financial crisis, the Covid pandemic, the acceleration of climate change, the rise of the billionaire/Oligarchy class, the gig economy, and the cult of MAGA/ INCEL. If you were affected adversely by Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, especially if you have planets or angles in the late degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn, spend the next two and half months reviewing and releasing the past. Decide now what you want to keep and what you need to discard. Try not to be dragged into past power struggles, and use this time to make sure that what you have built can withstand being tested by new challenges. 

Be well in Peace with Earth & Sky, ~ Maire 


Bailout: An Inside Account of How Washington Abandoned Main Street While Rescuing Wall Street. Barofsky, Neil


Global Shortages During Coronavirus Reveal Failings of Just-in-Time Manufacturing




Summer 2024 ~ The Astrological Weather ~

August is filled with exciting astrological drama! Mercury retrograde in two different signs is always a bit jarring. We will have two significant T-squares, a Blue Super Full Moon, and warring gods Jupiter and Saturn make a square and test our collective faith.

We begin with transiting Mars conjuncts Jupiter Gemini and they both square Saturn in Pisces 

  • August 14th Transiting Mars and Jupiter at 16 Gemini 40 conjunct
  • August 15/16th Transiting Mars at 17 Gemini 42 square transiting Saturn in Pisces 
  • August 19th Transiting Jupiter at 17 Gemini 27 square transiting Saturn in Pisces 

The Major Players 

1. Mars in Gemini 

Mars is the planet that helps us defend ourselves. Mars in your chart shows the strategies you choose to keep yourself safe, pursue your desires and ambitions, and how you express your sexuality. How you respond to the transiting Mars will depend on the zodiac sign that Mars is transiting and how that sign affects your Natal, Solar, and progressed charts. During Mars’s transit through Gemini, the god of war uses the power of intellect, words, and persuasion to reach goals. This transit favors intellectual activity, writing, speaking, and educational pursuits. The positive use of this transit is people of like minds coming together to accomplish collective goals, spreading their message, and building momentum. Difficulties arise when people become too attached to their opinions, become argumentative, try to coerce people, or attack others’ beliefs or ideals. 

2. Jupiter in Gemini ~ Last May when Jupiter entered Gemini we chatted about what we could expect. Here’s a quick review.

Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, represents expansion and growth. A well-positioned Jupiter or favorable aspects with transiting Jupiter can create opportunities for promotions, relocations, travel, educational advancement, and spiritual and cultural exploration. However, Jupiter in Gemini is not considered a great combination, as it may lead to feeling scattered, and restless. This transit favors expanding businesses and commerce, particularly those offering personalized services, socializing, recreational and sporting events, and traveling for educational or religious purposes.    

3. Saturn in Pisces

Saturn: ( In Greek he is Kronus) Saturn is the father of the Olympian gods, Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto, and the goddesses Ceres, Juno, and Vesta. Saturn is associated with the cyclic passage of time and seasons. His temples and symbols are representative of agriculture, harvesting crops, and the annual pagan Saturnalia festival. Saturn represents our karmic fate in astrology, governs societal structures, provides life-learning lessons, and requires discipline and the humility to accept limitations. When we “do our Saturn” we have the potential to achieve goals through patience and persistence. 

Saturn has been traveling in sensitive and intuitive Pisces since March of 2023. Pisces struggles to manage Saturn’s need for structure, boundaries, accountability, and responsibilities. Pisces prefers to embrace emotions, delve into the creative collective unconscious, and go with the flow of the moment. When faced with challenging aspects, Saturn transiting in Pisces often will choose to escape, retreating from harsh realities into fantasy, escapism, and victimization. People who are experiencing transits with this placement might be struggling with events beyond their control, experience a ‘crisis of faith’, or feel defeated by overwhelming odds. 

The Aspects 

  • August 14th Mars in Gemini conjunction with Jupiter at 16 Gemini 40 at 11:21 am EDT/8:21 am PDT  ( Mercury retrogrades back into Leo later in the day)  
  • August 15 PDT 10:30 pm ~ August 16th EDT  1:30 am Mars at 17 Gemini 42 Squares Saturn at 17 Pisces 42  
  • August 19th: A Mutable T-Square: Jupiter in 17 Gemini 27  Square Saturn 17 Pisces 27 at 5:46 pm EDT / 2:46 pm PDT.  Also, Venus at 17 Virgo ’22 will square Jupiter and opposite Saturn. 
  • August 19th A second T-Square involving fixed signs. A Full Super Blue Moon* in Aquarius will be opposite the Sun and Mercury in Leo while they all square the Uranus in Taurus. That’s a whole lotta stubborn! Have fun be safe.


  • August 14th: Mars conjunction with Jupiter: If your natal, progressed, or solar chart is forming favorable aspects to this conjunction, you may experience feelings of energy, confidence, and enthusiasm. Now is a great time to start a new sport or take steps to improve your physical health. If you’re already involved in a sport, consider adding new routines or working to increase your stamina. Keep in mind that having Jupiter aspects can lead to excessive confidence. Avoid taking unnecessary risks or pushing your luck too far.
  • August 15/16: Mars Square Saturn: this aspect wants you to pause and reconsider carefully before taking action. This is the exact opposite of what the Mars conjunct Jupiter is telling you to do. Listen to Saturn, always, always listen to Saturn. Saturn is the Karma Master of FAFO. Be cautious dealing with authority figures, such as bosses, teachers, parents, or anyone who has power over your life during this transit.  It is best to avoid conflicts and it is very important to respect your own and others’ boundaries. 
  • August 19th: Jupiter square Saturn: This is a significant astrological event that often collectively brings about a test of faith. The last time Jupiter/ Saturn formed a square was May 26, 2016. Here we have the usurper son, Jupiter, making a challenging aspect to his traditionalist father, Saturn. There will be two opportunities to experience this aspect with the first square on August 19th, and then again on December 24th. This aspect can be difficult to navigate because Jupiter will bring opportunities, while Saturn will impose limitations and roadblocks. It will be important to examine all of your options before making any critical decisions. Make sure that any opportunities you are considering are grounded in practicality.  If a compromise is possible, this aspect can lead to great results. This square will have an impact on women since Venus in Virgo will square Jupiter in Gemini and oppose Saturn in Pisces. This mutable T square is missing the prophetic firebrand and adventurer, Sagittarius. The goddess of love while transiting in Virgo, feels unseen, unheard, ignored, and insulted. This Venus is willing to get loud, demanding fairness from the judicial system. organized religion, and the publishing/media industry, (Jupiter). She is also willing to challenge the status quo imposed by authority figures, leaders, governments, and their agents (Saturn).  ROEVEMBER IS COMING!    

Also in the Mix: 

  • Mercury is retrograde falling backwards from Virgo into Leo. On August 18th Mercury will revisit the square with Uranus that happened on July 21/22. We get the third square once Mercury has gone direct on September 6/7. Any aspects with Uranus indicate the need for caution, more so when Mercury is retrograde. Act accordingly. 
  • More Venus events. After leaving the square with Jupiter, Venus in Virgo will square Mars, which is still in Gemini on the 23rd, potentially leading to relationship difficulties. On August 28th and 29th Venus is still in the sign of her fall; Virgo. She will make an opposition to Neptune in Pisces at the fateful Anaretic 29th degree.  While this aspect can be tremendously creative, intuitive, and empathic it can also be completely unrealistic about matters of the heart. Luckily, the harshness of the opposition is softened by two lovely trines to the outer planets Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius. 
  • I leave you on an inspirational note. Saturn in Pisces makes an out-of-sign but in orb sextile with both Neptune in very late Pisces and Pluto in very early Aquarius. Because these outer planets move so slowly these benevolent and inspiring aspects will be part of the collective gestalt throughout Saturn’s stay in Pisces. 

You are invited to join the Wild Mercury Facebook Chat:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/1221989338728451


*Blue Moon: the third or fourth Full Moon in an astronomical season or the second Full Moon in a calendar month.



*Supermoon: A New or Full Moon at or near the closest approach to the Earth, known as Perigee. A Supermoon appears 7% bigger and 16% brighter than ordinary.

Dark & Twisty: July 15 & July 20th The Meet Up of Algol, Mars and Uranus


Summer Fun Part 2: Dark & Twisty July 15 & July 20th 

A Tangled Web of Emotions,  Ancient Demons, and A Battle for Supremacy  

The Players: 

The god of war, Mars, will collide with the fixed star Algol, also known as the Head of the Ogre, and our galaxy’s rabble-rouser, Uranus all at 26’30 degrees of Taurus! 

Mars is the planet that helps us defend and protect ourselves. Its placement in your natal chart reveals how you approach fulfilling your needs. Mars is how you initiate activity, pursue expressing sexuality, and defend yourself against threats. It’s important to know what sign Mars is transiting because challenging Mars aspects can make us prone to accidents, or cause us to overreact. 

Algol ~ The Demon Star 

According to Astrologer Vivian E Robson’s book “The Fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology”, the fixed star, Algol is the “most evil star in the heavens.”  Yes, that does sound bad. But, as the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy suggests; Don’t Panic..

Algol is one of the best-known variable stars in the sky and the second-brightest star in Perseus’s constellation. It is located at a distance of 90 light-years from Earth. Algol represents the head of Medusa, the only mortal daughter of primordial sea gods Phorcus and Ceto. According to myth, Medusa drew the wrath of the Olympian goddess Athena, who transformed her beautiful hair into hissing snakes making her appearance so frightful that anyone who gazed upon her would turn to stone. The Greek hero Perseus beheaded Medusa with the help of several gods and goddesses.

Uranus, the rebel of our solar system, is associated with independence, unpredictability, unconventionality, and extremism. A significant part of Uranus’ mythology involves his participation in multi-generational succession struggles, in which the younger generation challenges and displaces the established power held by their elders.

Mars, Uranus, and the fixed star Algol meet 

Mars and Uranus align every two years, and this combination is known for its erratic and accident-provoking energy. The pairing can act as a catalyst, unleashing or intensifying conflicts. This aspect is more significant when contacting planets in your Natal, Solar, or Progressed charts or when placed on an angle in your chart. Check your chart, or ask your astrologer if the Mars, Uranus, and Algol conjunction is significant for you. During this meeting of Mars and Uranus, you might experience increased impulsivity and spontaneity, which can lead to creative breakthroughs or disruptive challenges. Mars and Uranus will converge on the morning of July 15 for those in the Pacific time zone, and later that same day Mars will join with the fixed star Algol. This alignment is said to cause accidents encourage violent extremes and result in unforeseen consequences.

Uranus’ conjunction with Algol is a rare event. The last time they met was on February 21, 1942, when the world was at war against fascism. The two will meet again on July 20th. The conjunction is said to cause extreme, unpredictable, and shocking events. 

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