
October 14 Annular Solar Eclipse 21 Libra

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October 14 Annular Solar Eclipse 21 Libra

October 14, 2023, Annular Solar Eclipse New Moon 21 Libra 08

Eastern Time 1:55 pm Pacific Time 10:55 am 

There are two types of eclipses involving our Sun and Moon. A Solar Eclipse happens when the Moon’s shadow crosses the Earth’s surface. This occurs during a New Moon and the Sun and the Moon are astrologically in the same sign. The Lunar Eclipse occurs when the Moon moves into the Earth’s shadow, this happens during a Full Moon.

Eclipses are tracked, each eclipse belongs to a Saros cycle. A Saros period is almost 19 years ( 18 years and 9 to 11 days depending on leap years) after which the Sun, Moon, and Earth return to approximately the same position causing a nearly identical eclipse. 

Eclipses are closely associated with world events but can be significant to individuals if the eclipse takes place at a degree that is exact or near to a planet or angle in your Natal, Solar, or Progressed charts. (Consult your Astrologer) When eclipse degrees are activated in your chart the effects last from six months to a year depending on the strength and duration of the eclipse.

On October 14 there will be a Solar Eclipse both the Sun and Moon will be at 21 Libra.  Eclipses come in pairs, a Solar eclipse always occurs about two weeks before or after a Lunar eclipse. The second eclipse will occur on October 28, 2023, and that will be a partial Lunar Eclipse. ( I will post about it later) 

This annular eclipse is viewable from Oregon to Brazil. Go to Solar Eclipse 2023 — Annular Eclipse, October 14 to view the path of the eclipse. 

What’s important to know about this Eclipse

Some important astrological events are happening in the lead-up to Saturday’s Solar eclipse. Tonight Pluto, the guardian of the underworld, in the last degrees of Capricorn will go direct heading slowly towards entering Aquarius this coming January. We should feel and see a shift from introspection and suppression to exposure and confrontation regarding Pluto/Capricorn issues around the “unchecked power” of governments, bureaucracies, corporations, and powerful organizations. Pluto provides transformational experiences at the deepest levels of consciousness. Intense, and destructive, Pluto destroys outdated decayed, and corrupted governments, institutions, and relationships, and as a Phoenix rises from the ashes to be reborn. Pluto offers opportunities for growth through brutal honesty, reaching inside our psyche and shedding light on our inner demons, exposing our weaknesses, and uncovering our strengths. Pluto cleanses and eliminates allowing renewal, and new beginnings. Pluto Capricorn’s goodbye message to humanity will be significant. I will be posting more about this later. 

Tomorrow, October 11, Mars, the god of war enters his own sign of Scorpio and will add emotional intensity to world events. Mars Scorpio heightens psychic awareness, has an uncanny ability to ferret out secrets, and can be relentless in achieving goals. 

In the evening on Thursday, October 12 the Moon will enter Libra we might become more energetic as we head to Saturday’s Solar Eclipse. 

This Solar Eclipse has a strong Libra influence (Sun, Moon, South Node, Mercury)  putting the focus on interpersonal relationships, seeking compromise and connection with others.  

This Summer the North & South Nodes shifted into Aries/Libra offering lessons about moving from codependent “people pleaser” the negative expression of Libra to the North Node Aries ‘ inner warrior”. With this Eclipse the Sun and the Moon are conjunct the South Node in Libra and opposite the Chiron and North Node in Aries. Opposition requires that we strike a balance if we don’t the situation becomes awkward and uncomfortable and there can be conflict.  The Solar eclipse opposition is asking us to try and understand another point of view, to communicate mutual needs, and to balance our very personal wounds (Chiron/ North Node Aries) and the personal and emotional needs of others. ( Sun/Moon/Mercury/South Node Libra). 

If your Natal, Solar, or Progressed charts have planets or angles in Aries, Cancer, Libra, or Capricorn between 11’ to 29’ degrees this Solar Eclipse could be significant for you and you could experience some lessons around Aries and Libra themes. 

I always suggest that people have their charts read at least once a year so that their astrologer can check to see if their charts will be activated by major planetary shifts and Solar or Lunar eclipses. 

South Node Libra & North Node Aries Lessons 

The Past – The Codependent 

South Node in Libra indicates an individual who has relied on interpersonal relationships at the expense of their own personal development. In their past life, they would seek approval or validation from others, and a great deal of effort went towards being a  “people pleaser”. The South Node in Libra while charming and sociable can be indecisive and have a fear of being alone and will compromise to avoid conflict. Having a South Node Libra means that in your past life relationships have been very important to you, you have been a supportive and loving partner, surrounding yourself in a comfortable, aesthetically pleasing environment but have neglected to develop your own identity.

This Life Time “ The Warrior” 

North Node in Aries sets out on a journey of self-discovery, this placement needs to explore their identity, develop inner confidence, and self-reliance, and find the courage to take risks and explore new opportunities independently. Once the North Node Aries have found their ”Inner Warrior” they can be bold, ambitious, aggressive, and selfish. North Node Aries can struggle to develop self-control and channel their anger and frustration in healthy ways. An important lesson for North Node Aries is to learn how to communicate their needs and desires and work on finding ways to balance their needs with the needs of others.