
Karmic Changes: Nodal Shift to North Node Aries / South Node Libra

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Karmic Changes: Nodal Shift to North Node Aries / South Node Libra

A Shifting Karmic Forces

The Lunar nodal axis has a 19-year cycle and the nodes change signs every 18 months. (18.6 months) The North Node is the exact opposite zodiac sign as the South Node. The nodes are calculated based on the position of the sun, moon, and earth. The nodes do not have a physical reality, nodes are not planets. The nodes are points of intersection between the lunar orbit and the plane of the terrestrial ecliptic. 

The North and South Node work together to help an individual balance their karma, help lead them to find their life path in their current life, and sometimes help complete karmic debts from past lives. The North Node is the direction that you should be heading in this lifetime and what life lessons your soul is supposed to learn. The South Node tells you about your past life, the skills, and talents that you have already accumulated, and describes the type of karmic debts you owe and have the opportunity to resolve in this lifetime. Generally, individuals feel comfortable staying in their South Node, it’s a comfortable familiar space representing our past life habits and patterns. It is not uncommon for individuals to get “stuck” in their South Node and resist moving toward the lessons of their North Node. 

The North Node is more challenging, growth-oriented, and inspired to find purpose and meaning. You grow into your North Node and grow out of your South Node. It is essential to get free from the past behavior patterns of the South Node in order to recognize your life purpose. Consciously working on our North Node’s lessons, goals and aspirations can help us to complete spiritual karma and can bring a sense of fulfillment and success. 

The nodal zodiac signs will shift from North Node Taurus/South Node Scorpio to North Node Aries/ South Node Libra on July 18, 2023 – January 11, 2025.(using True Node not Mean) 

The Past – The Relationship Codependent 

South Node in Libra indicates an individual who has relied on interpersonal relationships at the expense of their own personal development. In their past life, they would seek approval or validation from others, and a great deal of effort went towards being a  “people pleaser”. While charming and sociable the South Node can be indecisive and have a fear of being alone and will compromise to avoid conflict. Having a South Node Libra means that in your past life relationships have been very important to you. Having a South Node in Libra indicates that you have been a supportive and loving partner. Although in your past you most likely surrounded yourself in a comfortable, aesthetically pleasing environment you also neglected to develop your own identity. Often South Node in Libra chooses the path of least resistance and strives to avoid conflict in their relationships. 

This Life Time – Embracing your Inner Warrior

North Node in Aries sets out on a journey of self-discovery, this placement needs to explore their identity, develop inner confidence, and self-reliance, and find the courage to take risks and explore new opportunities independently. Once the North Node Aries have discovered their ”Inner Warrior” they can be bold, ambitious, aggressive, and selfish. Additionally, North Node Aries can struggle to develop self-control and channel their anger and frustration in healthy ways. An important lesson for North Node Aries is to learn how to communicate their needs and desires and work on finding ways to balance their needs with the needs of others.

Pay Attention 

This Nodal shift will be important for all the Cardinal signs; Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Individuals with Cardinal placements should look for the North/South Node degrees that will affect their Cardinal signs. When the Nodes make an aspect to a planet it can trigger significant events, and introduce important relationships into your life. These events and people can have a karmic past life connection to you. Depending on your soul agreements these Nodal aspects can provide a deeper understanding of your life path and open opportunities for growth.