
2021: The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn and Saturn Square Uranus

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2021: The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn and Saturn Square Uranus

Welcome to 2021 The Grand Conjunction of Jupiter & Saturn and Saturn Square Uranus

2021 brings a welcome change with the greatly anticipated Grand Conjunction happening at the end of 2020. The Grand Conjunction happens every 20 years heralding new energy and focusing the collective consciousness toward new goals and aspirations.
On December 21, 2020, Cosmic giants Jupiter and Saturn make their closest conjunction in 800 years in the early degrees of Aquarius, and a New Day dawns.

On December 17, 2020, Saturn moved into Aquarius, and a few days later on December 19, Jupiter entered Aquarius and they made their Grand Conjunction on December 21, coincidently with the Winter Solstice.


Saturn is our solar system’s disciplinarian; Saturn provides the lessons that help us to mature and hopefully become functioning adults. We spent the last 2.5 years learning the harsh lessons of Saturn’s ruler, Capricorn which brought challenges to hierarchies, societal rules, and norms, and an increase in authoritarian governments.

Did we meet Saturn Capricorn’s expectations? Did we follow the rules, work hard, did we act responsibly?

Moving to Saturn Aquarius will require that we shift our perspective and challenge the status quo. What rules are no longer useful? What norms are outdated? Should authority come from institutions or from the people?

Aquarius challenges us to think for ourselves, value humanity not hierarchies, and create new progressive and enlightened structures to help humanity.

Aquarius is the rebel of the zodiac. Aquarius is progressive, freedom-seeking, and innovative. Aquarians value their intellect and rely on logic and reasoning to understand humanity and social constructs. Aquarius wants to remove societal constraints from educational, religious, and governmental institutions. Aquarius excels at reforming outdated systems and “reinventing” cultural norms. Aquarius also has a reputation for “shaking things up” out of boredom or a need for attention.

A fixed air sign Aquarius is seen as friendly but emotionally detached and compartmentalized often relentlessly stubborn.

Aquarius rejects old, stagnant belief systems, and structures while encouraging social reforms. Aquarius is known for embracing new technology. We will see innovations in technology, digital formats, robotics, automation, physics, medicine, and space travel. We will see society embrace new approaches to how we work, and how we manage economic structures.

We can expect a fresh approach to addressing social reform as we collectively try to tackle homelessness, systematic racism, income inequality, climate change, and the political challenges that come with “fighting the system”.

We will continue to see an increase in social activism. Progressive groups in general and more specifically Anti-Racism movements, Labor Unions and L.G.B.T.Q.I.A + will gain more social acceptance and support. A huge wake-up call to humanity to immediately address environmental issues and deal with climate change when Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus make three squares in February, June, and December. (More on this) Saturn (conservative) and Uranus (sometimes progressive sometimes trickster) will be fighting tooth and nail for dominance. Who will win?

Expect changes to social media and challenges to the high-tech industry. Facebook and similar platforms will face scrutiny from the public regarding how they deal with disinformation and collect information on their users. The ability of governments and corporations to spy on citizens and consumers will expand! Can we put limits (Saturn) on monolithic technology ( Aquarius) giants?

Last spring, Saturn briefly transited in Aquarius and most of the world went into lockdown. Aquarius rules social interactions and Saturn rules limitations = social distancing requirements. ( I would like to just take a moment here and express how much I love Astrology!!)

For the next 2.5 years, we will struggle to create a new paradigm as Saturn in Aquarius tries to bring about a shift in the collective consciousness. The urge for change invariable is met with resistance. With Saturn and Uranus squaring each other is progress possible?

Can we move from being responsible to a “system/ hierarchy” to taking personal responsibility for our actions?

Can we move from institutions that will solve all our “problems” to how can I and my community solve problems? How do we contribute to making a better society?

Can we move from blindly following rules, and social norms to creating tolerant, inclusive, and accepting “spaces” for everyone?

Can we move from limiting belief systems to critical thinking, knowledge-based expertise?

We will also see the “out of phase” expression of Aquarius displayed in the public consciousness as individuals and organizations respond to Saturn Aquarius with a stubborn or rigid myopic point of view, while others will express a superficial “shock value” rebelliousness or gain attention with extreme behavior or outlandish conspiracy theories. A prime example of distorted Saturn Aquarius thinking is the current battle over mandatory mask usage and vaccination

requirements. A portion of Americans are refusing to wear masks or get vaccinated based on the “masks and vaccinations violate personal freedoms” or “Covid-19 is a hoax”. This type of confrontational rhetoric will increase with the Saturn square Uranus throughout 2021.

While Saturn transits through Aquarius we have an opportunity to make the world a better place by utilizing Aquarian values and principles of maintaining personal freedoms, communicating ideas and knowledge, collaborating with organizations, and acknowledging and honoring our shared humanity.


The 2021 Mercury Retrogrades: The Air Signs

The 2021 Mercury retrogrades will all fall in Air signs. Of all the elements air is the most elusive, never seen but the consequences of air can be very significant. Whether it’s hurricanes or the stagnation of doldrums Air can have a substantial influence on the earth and humans. Air signs are the thinkers, and communicators, they offer ideas, initiate conversation, and bring individuals or groups together.

Astrologically the Air element is intellectually focused, all the air signs Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are interested in ideas and excel at communicating. Air can process thoughts quickly; they need a variety of intellectual stimuli or they get bored easily.

Often accused of being an “airhead” they like to daydream and can have brilliant flashes of genius. Air signs can be hard to read, and can come across as detached and emotionally stunted. All the Air signs excel at communication and networking. Air can bring people and groups together around ideas or shared values.

Gemini is mutable and fluid with diverse interests is very curious and inquisitive and can know a lot about many different subjects. The Zodiac twins see all sides of a situation and can be neutral, and unemotional about making decisions. Gemini can be easily distracted become unfocused and be very unreliable. When Mercury is retrograde in Gemini things go sideways quickly. Miscommunication, indecision, and delays are common.

Libra is cardinal and action-oriented. Libra is a relationship-focused, natural leader who can excel at diplomacy and matchmaking. Libras are friendly and sociable. When Mercury is retrograde in Libra, we are offered insight into how we could improve our relationship skills.

Aquarius is fixed and slower than all the other Air signs. Aquarians are known for their need for independence and their avant-garde originality. Free spirits, Aquarians often spend their time philosophizing about larger social and moral issues. Aquarius focuses on the collective and can be a communicator channeling information to humanity. When Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius it can be beneficial to review our interactions with friends and the organizations we work with.

Review how we could interact more efficiently with friends, coworkers, associations, and groups. This retrograde can be the most difficult for those that work with technology.

Understanding the Retrograde Process:

Shadow: Mercury has started to slow down moving less than 40 mins of arc per day. We start to feel the energy shift.

Retrograde: Mercury appears to be moving backward.

Direct: Mercury starts to move forward gaining speed and retracing his steps.

Post Shadow: Mercury has reached the degree that it went retrograde. Now is the time to initiate new projects or make changes.


Winter Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius

Start preparing for Mercury to go retrograde. As Mercury begins to slow down prepare to keep retrograde difficulties at a minimum by being proactive. When Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius there can be technical difficulties ranging from petty annoyances to complete tech breakdowns. Now is a good time to back up your computer, update your passwords, and take your car for an oil change.

January 27: Shadow: Mercury slows down

January 30: stationing to retrograde at 26’ Aquarius falling back to 11’ Aquarius

February 20 stationing to direct at 11’ Aquarius

February 26 Post Shadow: now we can initiate any ideas, changes, or improvements that the retrograde brought to our attention.

Helpful hint: the degrees that a planet goes from station to retrograde or station to direct can be important if that degree affects the same degree in your Natal, Solar, or Progressed charts. This degree becomes a sensitive point and can provide a fresh perspective on the subject matter ruled by the planet and sign.

For example, if someone has Mars in Aquarius at 26 degrees, I would caution them to be extra careful during this retrograde because Mercury has “nudged their Mars.” Now would be a prudent time to review or fix communication processes, contemplate actions that would improve interactions with others, and investigate improving or upgrading the technology that is essential for work or business use. Review past actions, where have you been rash or impulsive? Do you need to take corrective actions? If you decide that you need to make concrete changes wait until Mercury goes direct and passes the post-shadow phase.


Spring Mercury Retrograde in Gemini

May 22 Mercury starts slowing down and once again we should start preparing for Mercury to go retrograde on May 29 at 24’Gemini falling back to 16’ Gemini going station to direct on June 22.

May 22 Shadow

May 29 Mercury station to retrograde at 24’ Gemini June 22 Mercury station to direct at 16’ Gemini July 1 Post Shadow


Fall Mercury Retrograde in Libra

September 20 Mercury starts slowing down and on September 26 goes station to retrograde at 25’ Libra falling back to 10’ Libra and turning station to direct on October 18.

September 20 Shadow

September 26 station to retrograde at 25’ Libra October 18 station to direct 10’ Libra

October 23 Post Shadow